The Movie

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Mabel remembered everything that had happened that day, and it was hard for her to not do so.
Mr. Park and her were on good terms again, as they should be. But she still had an inkling in the back of her head that made her feel a bit of sadness for Mr. Park. Why was he so hard to read? Why did he say things he didn't actually mean? She felt that he truly cared for her, and yet some of the things he had said previously made her feel like he didn't truly care about her. She hoped she hadn't been used.
She had left Mr. Park's office that day feeling full of happy energy. She had just lost her virginity, and it was to her professor. She hadn't expected that to happen, not in a million years. Mr. Park had begged her to come back to his class after having sex with her, yet she still continued to play it coy, and shook her head with a beaming smile.
"I don't want to distract you. Things could become difficult for both of us if I do that, you understand?"
He nodded, his bottom lip poking out to show that he was pouting a bit.
Why is he actually super cute?
Mabel pondered. Walking out of his office, Mabel decided to begin things fresh with him. She didn't want anyone to know that they were a thing of sorts, and yet, she didn't want their relationship to be meaningless.
Skipping back to her dorm, she found her bed immediately when she got there. Digging her head into her pillow, she began to squeal out of happiness.
"Everything alright?" Rosie poked her head in.
Mabel looked at her, hair covering her face. She could tell Rosie, right?
"Rosie, I just had sex for the first time."
Rosie chuckled.
"Sounds awesome. Who was it with?" She inquired.
"I don't know if I should tell you that yet. You may found out soon though."
Rosie nodded, a smile showing on her pretty face.
"That's alright, how did it feel?"
Mabel blushed.
"He must've been really good then. A lot of people don't find their first time to be amazing."
Mabel looked at Rosie curiously.
"How is that possible?"
"Well, some girls don't feel a lot during sex. Some just do it with people they don't have feelings for."
Mabel nodded.
"That's interesting, but such a shame at the same time."
Rosie nodded.
"You used protection, right?"
Mabel nodded.
"He was wearing protection, yeah."
Mabel felt butterflies as she recalled her experience. It was amazing. He was amazing.
Rosie nodded.
"I'm happy for you Mabel. I can tell you really like him, especially if you had your first time in college. Most girls get it over with in high school."
Mabel felt saddened by that. Of course it was fine to do it when you felt it was right, but the fact that some people just had sex without feelings to back it up, well it was mind boggling to her.
"Thanks for feeling happy for me."
Rosie nodded, and then went into the kitchen to cook something.
Mabel felt so happy. She picked up her phone and shot Mr. Park a text.
When do you want to see me next?:)
She sent it to him.
Mr. Park was shocked at himself. He had lost it all, all control. It was gone. What had happened felt amazing, but it made his conscience pound at the back of his head, trying to convince him that he had acted wrongly.
"I couldn't hold it all in anymore, plus, she enjoyed it. It's fine!" He said to himself.
He was in his apartment. He had changed into a pair of sweatpants in a t-shirt when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Picking it up, he read Mabel's text.
"When should we see each other next?" He pondered.
If he was being honest, he wanted to see her all the time. In his apartment, in his class, at her dorm... where was he going with this.
Do you want to come over? Not to... you know... just to eat ramen?
He sent the text. He didn't want to exceed her limit. Neither did he want their relationship to become centered around sex. Yeah, it was great, but he wanted her to keep her purity for as long as possible.
Sure! I'll be right over!
She responded quickly to his text. Mr. Park stood up and prepared the ramen for the two of them. He thought of whether he should change into nicer clothes for her, but then decided against it. He should learn to be more comfortable around her after all.
Mabel went to Mr. Park's house full of excitement. She was super excited to see him, to eat ramen with him, and to do whatever the heck he wanted to do with her.
She rang his doorbell and found a casually dressed Mr. Park at the other end. She had dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a jacket, covering her tank top underneath. Looking at each other, they both giggled.
"I guess we both had the same idea, didn't we?" She smiled at him.
Mr. Park nodded, and ruffled Mabel's hair.
Sitting across from him at the little table, Mabel slurped on her ramen. She was very happy, and very content with the way they would continue things. She couldn't imagine being with him any other way, only because she knew that what they had is what made their relationship special. It made things feel perfect.
"We should cuddle after this."
She stated.
Mr. Park looked up from his bowl of ramen, juices dripping out of his mouth. He looked startled.
Not again, we literally had sex earlier. Why is he so startled?
"Oh, yeah, sure." Mr. Park grumbled.
Mabel nodded.
After their meal of ramen, Mr. Park and Mabel settled on the couch. His long and intimidating form next to her made her long for him to hold her.
"Do you want to watch something?" He said.
"Yes! Let's watch a romantic comedy." She said.
He nodded and switched on 'Ten things I hate about you.'
"Heath Ledger is really good looking."
Mr. Park turned to her, eyes narrowed.
"What do you think about me then? You into blonde guys?"
Mabel laughed.
"I think you are very good looking Mr. Park."
She pointed her finger at his jawline, and then began tracing her finger down his face towards his lips. Leaning in, she planted a kiss on his pouting, full lips.
"I think I love you." She said pulling back.
He pulled her forward and embraced her into his large arms.
"I think I love you too." He murmured into her hair. Kissing the top of her head, he loosened his embrace, and Mabel fell into his chest. Resting her head against him, she felt his chest move up and down, his breathing slow and labored.
This is how things should be. She thought.
All the time.
Mr. Park noticed that Mabel fell asleep very quickly. Finding the movie cute, but not something he was interested in watching on his own, he switched it off. Being careful to not wake Mabel up, he lifted her into his arms. She felt as light as a baby. Her head resting against his shoulder, he carried her into his room, laying her onto his bed, then tucking her under the covers. He pondered whether he should sleep in the same bed as her, and then remembered that they had had sex already.
"I can control myself way better now, it'll be fine." He said. Climbing into the bed, he lay next to Mabel, trying not to feel weird with a girl in his bed. This had never happened before. He had had hookups before, but it had been a long time. Plus, they were always quick, not ending in one sleeping in the other's bed. Mabel had been amazing to him, accepting his very forward love, his feelings being embraced by her really quickly and beautifully. Things felt complete now, it was like the cherry on top of a sundae. She loved him, he loved her, and they could both rest easy with that thought in mind.

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