The Calm Before the Storm

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*Y/n's POV*

Y/n watches Princess Dorathea calmly remove her necklace and hand it to Y/n.

"You'll have a better use of this for the upcoming battle," said Princess Dorathea.

"What are you doing?!" Prince Aragon snaps at his sister.

"What should have been done when Y/n had first arrived at our castle!" Princess Dorathea yells at her brother. "Y/n doesn't have the time to hone her powers like Plasmius did. She doesn't have years. We can't fight without the aid of our necklaces, you just refuse to do so!"

Y/n takes the necklace and puts it on. "I kinda missed this."

"Tell me what triggered your first transformation. What emotions caused the first change?" Prince Aragon asks.

"My father had recently past away from an accident caused by the Wickers Bend ghosts. Vlad was no where to be seen since I needed to talk to someone. I called Danny Phantom up on night and suggested we go after the Wickers Bend ghosts. Seeing them in person, knowing that they were the ones who had taken my dad's life, sent me over the edge."

"How long were you wearing the necklace?"

"Almost over a year. Vlad gave it to me on Christmas as a present. I learned how to bottle up my emotions over the years and those ghosts made me break that bottle."

"Normally the necklaces is worn for less than a day wherever it left the Ghost Zone. Yet you worn it for nearly a year?" Princess Dorathea was a bit confused. "How can anyone not snap from emotional turmoil?"

"Humans are built different. We learn to hide our emotions, especially from those that hurt us or seen us get hurt. Those emotions can break free at the worse possible times, causing us to hurt others. I know better to bottle everything up. I seen what it can do." Y/n closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, letting the familiar weight of the necklace provide some comfort. "Alright once again, everyone listen up. We still need to put up fortifications around this castle to slow the Fright Knight's army as much as possible. We don't have much time."

Y/n turns to look at Prince Aragon. "I need you to help finish digging the trenches and sharpening the giant stakes at the bottom."

"It shall be done," said Prince Aragon before he chances back into his dragon form and flies off.

Y/n turns to look at Technis and Skulker. "I need you two to build trip wire traps. Once the army gets past the trenches, we need a second line of defense." She watches as Skulker and Technis disappear. Y/n gives orders to the other ghosts on what needed to be done. By this point they knew it was best not to argue since there was more than just their homes at stake. Last, but not least, Y/n turns to the Box Ghost. "Alright, Benny. I got a special task for you, as the last line of defense to the castle."

"What do you need, Y/n?" The Box Ghost asks.

"I need boxes. Lots of boxes. Empty ones preferably. I know you don't like the idea of your boxes getting destroyed but you can always get more." Y/n could see Benny was sad about losing some of his boxes. "After this is over, I'll help you get more, okay?"

"I don't like the idea of this but what would you like me to do?"

"Prince Aragon and Princess Dorathea are finishing digging a few of the trenches. I need you to put boxes on the bottom of them, creating pit fall traps. The biggest boxes you can make or find in your domain."

"I can use my powers to create the bigger boxes. I don't have any larger boxes available."

"That's fine, Benny. The more you can do now, the more it will benefit us and defending our homes. Now go!!" Y/n watches Benny fly off to help Prince Aragon and Princess Dorathea.

Vlad lands next to Y/n, taking note of the necklace around her neck. "Your not going to go Beast Mode on me, are you?" Vlad teases, making Y/n blush.

"Now. This necklace will only be used when needed," said Y/n. She hugs Vlad. "Why do I get the feeling we may fail?"

"This is your first time leading a war party. You'll feel that feeling no matter what." Vlad wraps his arms around Y/n, tightening his embrace around her. "I done want to lose you. You are the best thing that has happened to me."

Y/n buries her face into Vlad's chest. "Just don't go dying on me. I done want to deal with that. Losing two people I care about in my life...I don't know how I'd handle it."

Vlad could hear the tears in Y/n's voice. "Hey. Don't start crying. Leaders don't cry. You don't want to make yourselves seem weak in the eyes of your soldiers." Vlad makes Y/n look up at him. His hair was slightly messy in his Ghost Form and it looked likenhe has slept in days. But that didn't matter. What mattered was that he was with the one who mattered most to him. "Just think, once this is all over, will head out to the cabin. No interruptions. I can help you train to hone your powers and..."

Y/n reaches up and boops Vlad on the nose. "You just want to pick up where we last left off before Danny interrupted us."

"Yes I do. But what matters is spending time with you and that's where it counts." Vlad leans down and kisses Y/n, feeling her relax in his arms. "Jusr don't go dying on me."

"I don't plan on it," said Y/n with a smirk.

Vlad's Redemption (A Danny Phantom AU X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin