Final Countdown (Part 3)

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*Y/n's POV*

Y/n explores the garrison with Danny while they look for something to defend themselves with. "Why do I get the feeling this castle wasn't originally a part of the Ghost Zone," said Y/n.

"I get the feeling you are right," said Danny. He was still in his Ghost form, not risking a chance to be caught unawares in case the Fright Knight comes.

"You both are right," said Clockwork as he appears out of one of the doorways in the garrison. "This place is outside of time in more than one way. Your historians gave it several names over the years. Camelot was one of them. Yet the only time humans can see this place is in fever dreams."

"Yet you still pop in, Clockwork. I thought you'd said you'll be stwyingnout of this war," said Y/n.

"I am. But there is no harm checking in on my favorite humans."

"And here I thought you didn't play favorites," said Danny.

"I don't. I never said I didn't have favorite humans. If you've been around as long as I have, you tend to come across a human or two that doesn't drive you to boredom."

"So why did you have us fight the upcoming war here?" Y/n shifts unsteady on her feet before leaning back against the cold, stone wall.

"Its a fitting place for a battle. Besides if you destroy it, I can always rebuild it. It wouldn't be the first time I had too considering how often you humans go to war in your world. Wars never solve anything. But in the case of this war, it's to make sure that Pariah Dark never gets resurrected."

"And what of this place when the battle is won, whether we win or lose?"

"It will be lost in time again, waiting to be rediscovered in the next fever dream." Clockwork smirks a bit. He knew he was annoying both Danny and Y/n. "Now what brings you two in this garrison?"

"We are in here looking for a means to defend ourselves," said Y/n.

"You won't find much here other than a few rusty swords. It would be best if you dig some trenches to impede the progress of the army that's marching this way. Sharpened timbers should do the trick if you stick them in the ground at the right angle." After that, Clockwork disappears.

"I hate it when he speaks in riddles," said Y/n before she leaves the garrison.

"Same here," said Danny as he follows Y/n out of the garrison.

Y/n heads back towards the castle where the Ghosts made an improvised camp. Skulker had created a map with Technis's help, of the castle grounds.

"Where have you two been?!" Skulker looks up from the map, giving both Danny and Y/n the evil eye.

"We may have a way to keep the castle grounds defended," said Danny.

"Yeah. It's an old strategy. We need to dig trenches around the castle perimeter...."

"There's no way that will work. You are dealing with Ghosts, not humans! How stupid can you be?!" Skulker yells.

Everyone soon goes into a yelling match over what strategy to use to defend the castle.

Y/n steps back from the bickering crowd over what was best to be used. "We are doomed." She flies off, leaving the bickering adults behind. Sadly Vlad was apart of that group as well. "I should never suggested that idea. Clockwork should have never suggested that idea." She lands on the outer wall which overlooked part of the Ghost Zone.

A few doors float by making Y/n wonder who they belongs too. "I wonder if one of these doors belongs to Benny?" Y/n sits down on the cold stone. A sligh echo from where everyone was arguing could still be used. "Maybe I could do something myself. To show everyone I'm not a stupid." Y/n quickly gets up from the stone wall and heads off to find things in the castle to use and to find Danny as well for help.

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