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*Y/n's POV*

A week quickly goes by and Y/n was ready to leave the hospital. She was able to ask Mrs. O'Leary to drive her home but she hadn't had much luck finding someone to be a temporary roommate and help her around her apartment. Dr. Simmons and the nurses give her one final check over before giving her a clean bill of health. She still needed to walk with a cane until her leg healed but it was to the point she could walk around with a leg brace on. Y/n still had to take pain meds but not as a strong dose but now she had to take antibiotics so her leg doesn't get infected where the stitches. She had to take them for a week before she was in the clear from what Dr. Simmons had said. It takes her a bit to get downstairs to the main entrance of the hosptial. Once she was at the doors, she gives Mrs. O'Leary a call.

Y/n pulls out her phone to call Mrs. O'Leary and ended up getting her voice mail so she leaves a message. "Hi, Mrs. O'Leary. Just wanted to let you know that they let me out of the hospital today. If your not too busy, could you come pick me up and give me a ride home? Have a good day. Bye." Y/n hangs up her phone. "Weird. Normally she answers her phone unless she is taking a nap." She looks at her phone and sees it was only ten in the morning. "Weird still. She doesn't sleep past ten..." Y/n waits another thirty minutes before giving her dad a call.

"Hi, sweetie. Are you out of the hospital now?" Y/n's dad, Will, asks.

"Yeah. I gave Mrs. O'Leary a call to see if she could pick me up and she didn't answer. Its only past ten in the morning and she doesn't sleep in," said Y/n.

"That is strange. Give me a bit and I'll come pick you up from the hospital. See you in a bit. Bye." Will hangs up on his end of the line.

Y/n puts her phone back into her pants pocket. She heads back inside the hospital to sit down and wait for her dad. She hoped he didn't take too long. After thirty minutes her dad arrives at the hospital. Y/n makes her way outside right as it begins to rain. "Hi, dad," said Y/n as she gets in Will's car.

"Hi, sweetie. Good to see you are out of the hospital." Will checks to see if it was clear before pulling the car away from the hospital door. "We will be making a stop first before taking you home."

"That's fine. How have you been? You haven't gone back into remission? Have you been drinking that tea?"

"No to the first question and yes to the second question." Will turns his attention back to the traffic in front of him after pulling out of the parking lot of the hospital.

"So where are we going?"

"Everyone is having a party at Lunar Oasis, as a welcome back party to a sense. They know it will be a while before you can come back to work. Everyone is just glad you are out of the hospital."

Y/n stays quiet for the rest of the car ride. Once they get to Lunar Oasis, Y/n was greeted by the entire restaurant staff. Even though the party wasn't really grand, the food was good as always, Y/n was just glad to spend time with her friends. After eating to the point she'd feel like she'd burst, Y/n was taken home by her father. Once inside her apartment, Y/n was glad to be home. Right as she was about to sit down, she gets a call from Mrs. O'Leary.

Y/n quickly answers her phone. "Hi, Mrs. O'Leary. Is something up?"

"I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone earlier, Y/n. I was dealing with the landlord. You were almost evicted during your stay at the hospital. I covered your rent for the next two months. You don't have to worry about paying me back."

"Evicted?! I had it so the money is taking out of my spare checking account by the end of each month!"

"I'll be over in a bit to help you figure out what went wrong. See you soon." Mrs. O'Leary hangs up on her end of the call.

Y/n stares at her phone before sitting down on the couch. "This doesn't make sense. I had put that money Vlad had given me in my spare checking account before working at Milo's that night. That money was enough to cover the first month I was in the hospital. As for the second month...." Y/n pinches the bridge of her nose. "This just doesn't make sense. Even at the hospital I made arrangements with the other landloard about rent..." Y/n looks down at the floor. "Was the other landlord out of town for the two months I was in the hospital?"

After about ten minutes, Mrs. O'Leary was knocking at the door of the apartment. Y/n answers the door. "Thank you for helping me out."

"No worries, sweetie. Now show me your phone so I can see what went wrong with your bank accounts. If we need to, I'll take you to the bank." Mrs. O'Leary sits down. Y/n opens her bank app on her phone before handing it to Mrs. O'Leary.

"The accounts are at the top of the app. The money is taken out of the second account by the twenty-seventh of each month. Each deposit and and withdrawal is shown as well."

Mrs. O'Leary takes a few minutes to look at the account history on both bank accounts before giving the phone back to Y/n. "We need to head to the bank."


"It shows your backup account was closed recently. Around the time you were in the hospital."

"That's impossible. The only person besides me that can deposit money in that account is my dad."

"Then we better leave now. The sooner the better," said Mrs. O'Leary. "I'll help you downstairs. Go get yourself ready to leave."

Y/n heads to her room to change into clean clothes other than the ones she had gotten while she was at the hospital. "This still doesn't add up. Who else...." Anger clouds Y/n's eyes. She had a good feeling who had did it. "I hope it's not her or there will be hell to pay..." Y/n leaves the apartment with Mrs. O'Leary before locking the door behind her. She only hoped that the issue with the bank was quickly resolved.

Vlad's Redemption (A Danny Phantom AU X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum