chapter 6

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I groaned painfully in my chair as I slid my wedge heels off.

These were no where near as comfortable as I thought they would have been, my feet were killing me and it didn’t help that I had to stand through the entire auction.

A few people lingered behind and I scanned the room looking David , I was hoping to talk to him before he left but there was no sign of him.

“ohhhhhhhh” I moaned in pleasure when I finally got my feet out of the death traps and my hands slowly massaged them.

I earned a few weird glances but I didn’t even care they didn’t understand my struggle.

“You ok there” Abby asked sitting down beside me

“Hell no my feet are killing me these shoes are awful, I’m starting to figure out why they were hidden in the depths of my closet“

“But they look so cute and comfortable”

“looks are decieving, they cause so much pain and are extremely uncomfortable”

“Then why did you put them on in the first place?”

“Because when I tried them on this morning they felt fine but now they don’t”

“Pretty hurts, sometimes you have endure it if you want to look good“ she gave me a sympathizing smile at the end of her sentence

“Right….Have they left already?”

“Yea she dragged him right out as soon as the thing was done, didn’t even say goodbye to me or anything”


“Are you okay with the whole thing though? You know with her having him all to herself for the rest of the day”

“Yea why wouldn’t I be if anything I wanted to thank her for saving him from that group of girls who almost won”

“But don’t you think it’s a little suspicious”

“no there isn’t anything to be suspicious about”

“then why couldn’t she have him hang with all of us? you know the four of us? not just the two of them?”

“idk go ask her“


“Abby I don't see where you're going with this. You’re over thinking things again”

“No I’m not why would Josephine pay so much money for her friend’s boyfriend though isn't that weird”

“No its not weird because she knew I would have died from a heart attack if those girls had won David so she was being a good friend and saved my boyfriend. At least I know I can trust the two of them together there was no way of telling what those girls would have done to David”

“Really how well do you know her……… you’ve only know her for what a few weeks? How do you know she doesn’t just want David for herself?”

“Abby” I groaned in frustration, “why can’t you just leave this alone?  Look David is my ride home so he has to come back to school to pick me up. He can’t lie to me so we’ll just ask him what happened and if he starts to stutter or avoid eye contact then I’ll have something to worry about ok?”

“ok… fine… all I’m saying is that I don’t think her intentions are right. You know now that I think about it she’s always been looking at David some type of way”

“Oh my gosh Abby chill the fudge out. You’re looking into something that’s not even there. “

“Or maybe you’re not looking into something that’s right in front of your face! Don’t be oblivious… I’ve been suspecting something for a while but today was the icing on the cake. Your telling me nothing suspicious hasn’t happened between them or she hasn’t done anything at all that’s the slightest bit suspicious?”

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