Chapter 21

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"Finding the root of the problem is very important" I said to the teens in front of me who had eagerness written all over their faces. They drank up every word I said like thirsty travelers and begged for more.

 Their willingness to learn put my mind and heart at ease and the words flew out of my mouth like second nature. It felt like my calling.

"Why do you think you feel the way you do? Sometimes we feel this way because of small things that people say or incidents that have happened before in our lives.

Maybe the guy or girl you like doesn't like you back and so you feel as if maybe you're not good enough. Or maybe someone said something to you that you took to heart and it left a scar on you.

Maybe you keep comparing yourself to the images that you see on social media or on the TV and you think you're not good enough because you don't look like them. It could be anything but just take a minute to think about why.

I know some of you might not be comfortable speaking up but if there is anyone that wants to feel free to just share."

They all sat there deep in thought searching for the answer to the question I had asked. Many looked quite uneasy but that was normal. It isn't comforting or easy trying to find out these things.

"I see girls everywhere with long beautiful hair and the perfect body, flat stomachs, big ass and perfect skin. They're beautiful and everybody idolizes them but then I look in the mirror and I'm the furthest thing from that image of beauty.

 My hair is short and unmanageable, I have a hug stomach and muffin tops and my face is filled with acne. I feel pathetic because I'm not good enough. I'm not beautiful enough and I'll never be. No one is ever going to love someone like me; guys only want girls that look as beautiful as those girls on instagram.

So if no will love me what's the point in loving myself"

A short pudgy girl says this which so much sadness and certainty in her voice.

I look at her appearances, from her acne scarred pale skin to her messy blonde mane. Around the circle I see many girls nod in agreement and her support buddy grabs her hand and squeezes it to provide support.

"No two people are the same. Not everyone will look the same, it's not possible and why would we want it that way. It would be a boring and bland world if all girls looked the exact same way don't you think? I have two words.

Two very important words that I want each and every one of you to listen to carefully because you need to always remember thing. So excuse my French but


I said it f*ck society,

If you try to live by the rules and standards of society you will never be happy.

Yes these girls are beautiful but many of them are fake. They have fake hair, fake nails, a fake booty, fake boobs and their face is covered in make-up.

Do you want to be fake?

Trust me a lot of those girls Do not wake up like that. Now I know that at this stage you don't and won't believe me when I say this but you all are beautiful.

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