chapter 4

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“So guys what are we gonna do!?!?” I pulled my hair in frustration

“it’s been two weeks since we’ve gotten this project and we still haven’t come up with a fundraising event. Other groups having already started and taken most of the ideas so we need to finish this today and go get his approval”

“Stop stressing! Damn girl at least we finished the poster”

“Excuse me?” Annabel said“ but as far as I remember I finished the poster”

“Hey! Don’t get upset at me you were the one who decided to do it all by yourself without contacting us”

“Yea because I realized that the due date was coming and we haven’t done shit”

“You still could have contacted us Annabel!” I scolded her. I liked doing my part in group works.

I wasn’t comfortable with someone else doing all the work while I just laid back and took the grade.

“Whatever at least it’s done”

“What about a people’s auction” Annabel and I stared at the girl as if she had grown a second head “you know the thing they do on TV where they auction off people to raise money!!! Guys stop looking at me so weird it could be fun and easy we wouldn’t have to put much effort into it and we could raise a lot of money”

“Isn’t it illegal to sell people in the United States” Annabel questioned


“You say no to every idea I come up with and no Annabel you know for the smart one in the group you’re not very smart. We aren’t selling people just their services for a day”

“First of all I say no to all your ideas because they’re all stupid. Second-”

“Then why don’t you come up with a better idea”

“Guys!” Annabel interrupted “chill, arguing isn’t gonna get us anywhere. I actually agree with her on this one. Kayli we could make money from this and what can go wrong? No harm will be done it’s just our services”

“No way and even if I agreed there is only 3 of us… we wouldn’t get that much money and I doubt anyone at all would pay any money for our services!”

“Speak for yourself honey! Seems as if someone has forgotten that I’m on the cheerleading squad and I look pretty damn good if I do say so myself…. A lot of guys would pay money for my services” she flipped her hair over her shoulder and licked her lips

“Ok first of all eww I don’t even wanna know what kind of services you were talking about and fine let’s say some one pays for you that still leaves me and Annabel no one would pay for us and I don’t want anyone paying for me as if I’m some piece of item”

“I’m sure your boyfriend would pay for you” she winked

“Hey speaking of your boyfriend “ said Annabel “he’s popular right we could put him in it and get him to convince some other popular people to join… people would definitely pay if we have popular people in the auction”

“no way!!! Why on earth would I auction off my boyfriend to some dumb bimbo!”

“hey who said it would be a bimbo! It could be a teacher! Teachers often participate in these things to get students to do work for them. So we could open it to both teachers and students”

“I don’t think this is a good idea plus Mr. Browne would never approve”

“First of all his name is Mr. Brown not Mr. Browne and you’ll never know until you ask”

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