chapter 5

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“Are you okay” I questioned Annabel while placing my hand on her shoulder.

I was genuinely concerned about her, it was only 5 minutes before we would be starting the auction and she was looking kind of pale compared to her usually tan complexion. No not kind of extremely, she looked as if she was about to pass out.

“I mean no the thought of me being auctioned off to a complete stranger for the rest of the afternoon is the furthest thing from nerve-racking right now, I’m perfectly fine. Why wouldn’t I be okay? In fact I’m splendid” she rambled at a speed of about a 100 words per second, I’m pretty sure she said all that in one breath.

She attempted to be sarcastic but failed miserably, her voice ended up coming out weak and crackly. By the look on her face and the way she was talking you’d actually believe that she was really about to be sold.

Poor girl, but the look on her face was priceless and I couldn’t help but laugh

“Hey relax you make it sound like this is human trafficking and we’re selling you… just think of it like voluntary service “

“That’s kind of hard considering I don’t even know what kind of services I will be doing.. Oh my gosh! What if the person who pays for me has the wrong impression and things I’m going to have sex with them! Oh my gosh oh my gosh” she started to  hyperventilate and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing again.

“Relax a week ago you thought this was a great idea. Why the sudden change of heart now?”

“No I never thought it was a great idea it was just the only idea we had”

“Just relax we have teachers here monitoring everything nothing bad is going to happen ok?”


“As I said before just relax and before you know it everything will be over”

We actually had a really good turn up. Once everyone heard that the popular kids would be supporting it and a few would actually be in the auction they suddenly thought it was cool.

Plus we had a really good cause for the whole thing, it was basically like charity and who doesn’t love making donations to charity? Nobody… exactly!

 We had at least 5 teachers out there pledging to auction a student to help mark papers and one over protective parent who came to pay for their child.

Overall we had at least 20 students participating , ten of them were cheerleaders 5 jocks, David, Annabel and three other kids who volunteered . Everything was looking promising.

I noticed Josephine and Abby in the back waving at me like lunatics to get my attention and once they had it they flashed me their biggest grins and two thumb ups.

I would be the host since I wasn’t allowed to be in the auction thanks to a specific someone. I made to the to the auditorium stage since it was time to begin I had actually taken the time to try and look decent today.

Had a little mascara and a little eyeliner you know, just a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I curled my hair and wore a pair of wedge booties my mom had bought for me 3 months ago but I never wore them because I don’t like heels.

I have however made an exception today; you know what they say ‘A host has got to always look her best’.

“Ok ladies and gentlemen thank you for taking the time out today to come support us. As most of you already know we are doing this for a very worthy cause:

Raising money and awareness for the endangered species all around the world. We might just be a small group and our money might not be enough to save all the endangered species but we must start small and make a difference in our own community and hopefully someday we will be able to help those around the world.

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