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Harrie was freaking out! It had been about a week since she's had her period.

She was always careful when it came to sex. In fact her mother put her on birth control the moment she told her she was having sex.

But she remembered she forgot to take her pill the day before the party and she was so caught up in zayn that she didn't tell him to use a condom.

Harrie knew if she was pregnant this could be the end of college.

Though she didn't need to go, she definitely had to. Her parents want what's best for her.

Her dad already told her that if she doesn't go to college she will not get any inheritance from him.

She had prayed that this test will come out negative because not only will her parents be extremely disappointed in her, she didn't know this zayn guy or even had his number.
"Thank you so much ken."

"Are you sure you're not just late?" Kendall hands her the CVS bag.

"I'm never late." Harrie sighs as she walks into her bathroom.

"You want me to come in?"


Kendall walks behind her as she shuts the door.

Harrie sits on the toilet and begins to pee on the stick anxiously.

"What are you gonna do if you are?"

"I don't know. I'll have to tell my parents first. I just know daddy's gonna be really disappointed in me."

"You don't think they'll kick you out?"

Harrie shakes her head.

"They'll be very pissed at me but they won't kick me out. Dad has to keep his image as a picture perfect billionaire. That means he has to keep his family together and make sure we don't have too many scandals at once." Harrie states.

Her father worked his ass off and became the fourth richest man in the world.

He had to keep himself and his family in check in order to keep an amazing image.

Harrie knows if she's pregnant her father wouldn't risk for two scandals coming out about their family at once.

"What about that Zayn guy. You gonna tell him?"

Harrie sighs.

"I'll have no choice."

Harrie heart skips beats as her alarm went off.

She grabs kendall hand and flips over the pregnancy test.

"Oh, fuck!"
Harrie wipes her tears before she hears someone knocking at her door.

She gently covers her face before telling them to come in.

"Your parents awaits you at the dinner table madam."

Harrie gives him a fake smile. "Thank you very much Neil. May you tell them i need to get dressed?"

"Yes ma'am."

Harrie gets up as soon as Neil closes her door and gets dress.

She looks in the mirror at the dress before rubbing her stomach gently.

Harrie sighs as she grabs her high heels and walks downstairs.

Harrie spots her three older brothers, her older sister, and her baby brother all leave their rooms.

"Hey, who was that guy that commented on Kendall's post?" Dylan asked.

"It's no one Dylan."

"It's not what Liam said."

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