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hey, can we hang out tonight?


yes beauty, tonight. i need to talk to you about something.

oh- okay.

don't be nervous love.. it's not necessary bad news.


it's something that i have to tell you..


alright, ill see you soon!
Harrie sighs before she knocks on Zayns house door. When he opens the door he greets her with a kiss on the cheeks.

Zayn moves out of the way so Harrie can come in. When the two sits down on the couch Zayn grabs her hand.

"You're scaring me Zayn."

"I'm sorry babe."

"What is it you need to tell me?"

"I never been in a relationship before."

"I know, you told me."

"No, it's much more complicated. There were times where i could have been in a relationship but things didn't work out. Maybe it's because i didn't feel it with them or maybe i was afraid of them using me. I just know i don't want this to be a problem down the line love."

"It won't be Zee."

"Let me finish. What I'm trying to say is, I want to be with you for a long time, as long as you will have me. But if i seem closed off or nonchalant, it's not on purpose. I promise you i just need to learn how to do this."

Harrie nods.

"Will you show me? Will you show me how to love Harrie? How to be a great boyfriend? No ones taught me about love Harrie. Will you teach me?"

Harrie breath hitches. She knew then and there she had to tell him. She couldn't keep this a secret forever.

Harrie just couldn't say anything. She didn't exactly know how to approach this.

Harrie reaches in her purse and grabs the ultrasound before handing it to him.

Zayn furrows his eyebrows.

"What's this?"

"I'm having your baby."

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