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It had been a full week back from school and already,  Aria could sense the tension amongst the walls of Hogwarts

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It had been a full week back from school and already,  Aria could sense the tension amongst the walls of Hogwarts. Since her departure from home, she hadn't received any mail from family members.

It was this late Thursday evening, Aria found herself aimlessly walking the corridors past hours. Lily, Marlene,  and Mary had gone to bed and the Marauders were no where to be seen.

"You must be Aria" said an unfamiliar voice.

Aria jumped, grabbing her wand swiftly and pointing it in every direction. Due to the lateness of the night, the torches on the walls had been blown out, causing the corridor to be engulfed in a void of darkness.

"Lumos" she whispered as a blue light appeared at the end of her wand. A face, a rather good looking one, appeared right in front of her. He had light brown hair,  bright green eyes, and a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm Andrew," he said, placing his hand midair, "Andrew Carden".

Aria hesitantly looked down at the masculine hand, waiting to be greeted. After a considerable amount of thinking and a long awkward silence, she placed her wand back inside her robes and shook his hand.

"Aria Sterling" she mumbled, embarrassed. 

"So i've heard," he cheekily said, "you're quite known in the Ravenclaw common room"

Aria took this opportunity to look at his robes. Next to his heart, was a blue and silver crest, resembling that of an eagle. He was a Ravenclaw she thought.

"How come you know who I am, yet I have never heard of you," she said, quickly adding, "no offense"

He did not seemed bothered with Aria's bluntness as he let out a soft chuckle.

"One could say I'm mysterious" He added.

"Mysterious? more like creepy," she said sarcastically, "How do you expect to make a good impression when you lurk in dark corridors, stalking random people"

"Ah, and thats where you're wrong," he shook a knowing finger in front of her face, dramatically, "firstly,  I am not creepy, I do not lurk  in dark corridors, and I do not stalk. I simply am observant of people from a distance"

"A stalker" Aria repeated.

"Secondly," he began, ignoring her attitude, "I do not observe random people,  I came here to speak to you, in particular"

He took Aria's silence as a sign to proceed.

"Be weary of your friends," he said,  now serious, "we wouldn't want you to be in danger"

With that, he turned on his heel, walking away from Aria.

"Wait! What?  My friends?" she asked, now completely and utterly confused.

Silence. Andrew kept at his steady pace, getting farther and farther away from Aria. Having no other choice,  Aria sprinted, finally catching up with him.

"What do you mean beware my friends?" she said as she caught her breath now walking simultaneously next to him down the dark path.

"I'm simply relaying a message" he said, talking longer strides.

"A message? From what?" she exclaimed, now getting tired of the lack of information.

"The prophecy" he mumbled.

"What prophecy?" she said, tugging at the seams of his robe.

Sighing, he once more turned to face Aria

"Every person has a prophecy," he stated as if that was implied, "you are different, you have more than one but the one I was able to read said to be weary of your friends"

"Why were you reading my prophecy in the first place" she exclaimed in a whisper as they were now approaching the Gryffindor tower.

"My aunt, Patricia Trelawny, is the divination teacher so she allowed me access to one prophecy, and I choose you" Andrew said, avoiding Aria's menacing glares.

"Why me?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, you pique my interest" he said

"Is there a possibly reason why I should be afraid of my friends?" she asked, now completely on edge.

"As I said earlier, I am observant," he said, leading the way up the stairs to reach the Gryffindor common room, "I couldn't help but notice your friends sneaking about the corridors late at night every once a month. I also couldn't help but notice, in particular your friend, Remus Lupin, stay over at the hospital wing after every full moon"

"What are you implying," asked Aria, "That's he's a werewolf?" she said sarcastically but soon cut her laughs short as she realized.

"Look, I'm not implying anything. I am here to relay a message; be weary of your friends," he said shoving his hands in his pocket, "good night the intriguing Aria Sterling"

"Good night the mysterious Andrew Carden" she said as a small smile played on her lips. 

As Andrew walked away,  Aria was left with unsettling questions she needed to be answered.

Is Remus a werewolf and why didn't he tell me?

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