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Aria woke up after the strangest dream

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Aria woke up after the strangest dream. The dream had seemed so real she was still recovering as she tried to piece it together. She had been drunk, that was for sure.

She had remembered seeing someone with her. A man. Someone with dark, black hair and a beautiful smile.

She had been crying, she remembered. The man was helping her, comforting her.

She couldn't remember the man's face as all she could recall was a blurred portrait.

The next thing she recalled was that both their clothes were off.

That was all.

Sighing, taking in the bitter scent of firewhiskey from her breath, she turned over in the bed. 

Finally, as the splitting headache seized, she opened her eyes.

It was no dream at all.

Beside her, in all his beauty was a stark naked Sirius.

She screamed, covering her also naked body with the white covers.

Sirius eyes flickered open and scanned the room for any issues. When he found none, he turned back to face the pale, expressionless girl.

He took the split second to admire her. Her hair was all disheveled, piled in a bun on her head from the previous night's event. Although she was covered, the sheets tightly stuck to her wet, steamy body accentuating her hourglass figure. Her eyes were bloodshot from the alcohol and her face looked as if she had seen Filch in her bed opposed to the very handsome older Black.

"Whats wrong, love?" he asked, gently placing his hand on her slightly exposed thigh.

She wretched it backwards, underneath the sheets.

"Please say this is a dream, please Sirius?" she pleaded, furrowing her eyebrows and creasing her forehead with unnecessary wrinkles.

"Unless we're in the same dream then I believe not" he said.

"What did we do? What happened?" she stuttered, holding back tears of regret.

"We had sex" he bluntly exclaimed.

"I know!" she blushed, "But why? I can't seem to remember?"

"I'm not too sure myself but I just remember us trash talking Regulus" the Gryffindor boy shrugged, sitting up and covering his bottom half with the thin, almost see through bed sheet.

"Regulus!" she said throwing up her hands and letting the comforter sink below her bust. She was quick to cover it back up, "how do I tell him?"

"What? Tell him that you slept with his much better older brother? You can't!" he said.

"I can't keep this from him,"  she began to cry, "He'll know. He'll find out. I know it."

"He won't!" the black-hired boy said as he engulfed Aria in a hug.

She didn't restrain as she just sunk deeper into his bare chest, sobbing quietly.

You what! she imagined Regulus saying, You slept with my brother! How could you!

She only sobbed harder.

We were in a fight! When people are in a fight they don't go shagging around with the other person's siblings!

She was now in hysterics.

And you know what the worst thing is! You're not even going to tell me!

Aria broke loose from the hug a bit too violently. She wrapped the white comforter until it snugly fit her figure and wiped her tears off her face. She got from the bed and made her way to the door.

"Aria wait!" she heard Sirius say as she gathered her clothes that were vigorously thrown onto the floor last night. 

When she continued towards the exit of the room, he stepped on the veil of the blanket stopping her tracks and sending her flying back into his arms.

"Aria please" he struggled against her grip.

"No," she freed herself of his grasp, "I have to tell him."

She made her way towards the living room as he closely followed.

"I have to apparate to your house, what's the address?" she asked.

"I'm not telling you. You're not going" he firmly said.

"I have to, he'll find out" said Aria holding back another round of tears.

"Aria!" Sirius yelled, grabbing her by her left arm and turning her towards him.

As she was caught off guard, the sheet fell, completely exposing her entire physique.

Every scar, blemish and mark was available to see.

The Dark Mark.

Before she could cover her left arm up, he had seen it, The black, inked tattoo of the skull head and the snakes body.

He abruptly let go of her left arm and stepped back as if he was afraid she was dangerous.

"What's that?" he said, looking Aria straight in the eyes.

"It-it-s-ugh-I was going to-" she began, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.

"What's that!" he said more fiercely.

"It-it's t-the d-dark m-mark" she stuttered, more tears adding to her already tear-stained cheeks.

"Unbelievable," he too was beginning to tear up,  "and all this time we thought you were on our side."

"I am on your side. I Promise," she pleaded, more tears falling, "I was going to tell you, all of you. But Dumbledore said not too."

"Oh so you told Dumbledore!" he said, dramatically throwing his arms in the air.

"O-of course. Right after Tom forced it," she said, covering her body up with her clothes from last night, "Please, Sirius I wanted to but I didn't know what you would think."

"Well, now you do!" he shouted, "You know what, go! Go be happy with my death eater brother and his death eater ways!"

Now sobbing uncontrollable, she grabbed her wand and disaparated away.

She didn't land safely on the steps of 12 Grimmauld Place. Instead, she landed in the guest room of the Potter Manor.

As her feet touched the floor, she let out the painful sobs she had been keeping in. She got in the familiar linen bed, curled herself in a ball and cried herself to sleep.


Ahhhhh. Thank you all for 2k! Sorry for sad content:(

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