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"This Saturday, October 31st, Hogwarts will host a Halloween dance" began professor McGonagall, "you are expected to get dressed and match your dates"

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"This Saturday, October 31st, Hogwarts will host a Halloween dance" began professor McGonagall, "you are expected to get dressed and match your dates".

With that, she flicked her wand and food appeared in front of every student in the Great Hall.

"Fancy going with me, Evans?" Said James with a cocky expression plastered on his face.

"I would rather stab my eyes out with this fork than be seen with a toe rag like you" Lily said as she stood from her seat and walked away, leaving James with a look of disappointment.

"It was worth a shot, mate" said Sirius patting James's shoulder, "who are you going with, Sterling?"

Remus finally looked up from his book in anticipation while James sat still, disappointed by his loss.

"No one" she simply said as she returned to her uneaten pancakes.

Silence filled the group as James and Sirius shared confused glances and Remus began to eat his breakfast.

"Would you like to go with me?" Sirius asked.

James quickly burst into laughter, falling on to the floor in hysterics. Remus spat out his pumpkin juice as he recited in his head "please say no, please say no, please say no". He didn't know why he wanted her to say no, though felt relieved with her next words.

"We haven't even gone in a date, black" she said nonchalant.

"So?" Sirius said anticipating a real response, "will you consider?"

"Maybe" she finally decided as she too stood from her place and exited the Great Hall with a smile playing on her lips. Sirius black practically just begged her to not only go on a date with him but go to the dance with him. "I have to tell Lily right now" she thought.

"When was the last time you asked a girl out, mate?" Said James finally recovering from his laugh attack.

"I don't know, she's different, you know?" Said Sirius with a shrug.

Remus' expressions were hidden, though, behind his book he was infuriated. After muttering a series of profanities, he too stood from his seat. Without even one glance towards the two snickering boys, he grabbed his book and headed to the exit.

"Oi! Mate! you didn't even touch your food!" Sirius yelled at the back of Remus' head. Remus kept walking, making a now embarrassed Sirius sit back down.

"What's got his wand in a knot?" Said James avoiding the glares of annoyance by the other students.

"Dunno" Sirius mumbled, "I'm just excited for my date tomorrow".


The next day.

Saturday came sooner than expected and soon enough, Aria was already dressed in her tights, brown leather jacket, black boots, and an oversized, Gryffindor scarf. Curling her hair in just the right places and applying coat after coat of makeup, after 3 hours of preparation and a lot of overthinking, Aria was finally ready for her first date with Sirius Black.

Aria made her way to Hogsmead with all her friends excluding Peter who was unfortunately in the hospital wing due to the fact that he feel down 3 fights of stairs earlier that night. Once they reached the center of the busy town, they all split up. Remus and Lilly headed towards the nearest book store, James and Marlene headed towards the quidditch store where they would be able to purchase more equipment, Frank and Alice headed towards Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop where all the couples went, Leaving Sirius and Aria alone.

"Where to first?" Sirius asked while rubbing his hand through his hair to make it look more natural.

"You're the expert here!" Aria said while sharing a quick laugh.

"Fine lets go to Honeydukes and then we could grab a butterbeer or some fire whiskey later" Sirius said as he lead the way to their first destination, the sweet shop.

After Sirius practically bought the entire stores worth of candy, the two lovebirds made their way through the town and into the local restaurant, the Three Broomsticks. Upon entering the crowded restaurant, they were greeted by non other than the marauders, Lily, Marlene, Alice and Frank all sitting at one large table. At the end of the table sat two empty chairs, presumably waiting for Sirius and Aria.

"Gonna have to pass today guys" began Sirius gesturing Aria to a new table with two seats, "It's a date, gotta treat her right".

"We will have two fire whiskeys, please" Sirius said as he winked to Aria. He knew it annoyed her though he did it anyway, spite her.

"You two are underaged" said the grumpy bar tender, "can't sell alcohol to minors"

"We know that, silly!" exclaimed Sirius as he forced a couple of laughs, "we are of age, seventh years at Hogwarts".

"Weren't you the kid that came in last year claiming to be a seventh year? Didnt work then, not going to work now" the bartender said.

Sirius growled under his breath as he managed to swallow his pride for his date,
"Two butterbeers please".

With that, the date ended just as quickly as it started and the two were heading up to the castle accompanied by Marlene and James who were fiercely speaking of quidditch, Frank, Alice, and Lilly all speaking of upcoming exams, and a very angry Remus that sent glares every once and a while at Sirius.

"All was good" Aria thought.

She had all.

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