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It was a fine brisk morning, this October 31st

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It was a fine brisk morning, this October 31st. Aria found herself smiling too early in the morning. It was 7:30 am and she seemed too cheerful.

"Time to wake up, boys" she said as she jumped on top of Remus' bed and laid down next to him, starring up into the marauders ceiling. Remus seemed uncomfortable with the fact that a girl was now laying at his side on his bed causing him to shift awkwardly away from the happy girl.

The group of five eventually made it down to the great hall just in time for breakfast.

"I will talk to you lot later, and no matter what you do, don't drink the pumpkin juice" she said as she made her way over to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I please grab you're attention for a few moments" she began, "I would just like to toast to this wonderful holiday"

Aria raised her glass of pumpkin juice into the air, signaling for the others to do the same. Every students raised their goblets filled with juice into the air and took a sip, all except Aria, the Marauders, Lily, Marlene, Mary, Frank, Alice, Lucious, Severus, and Regulus.

Instantly, those who drank the charmed juice, turned into elves. Ears sprouted forward and became pointy. The size of the individuals began diminishing as the students became shorter. Their neatly pressed robes were soon transformed into a collection of green and red garments.

Aria grabbed her wand from her inner pocket and conjured a red and white, Santa hat. Making her way over to the staff table, she placed the hat on top of Dumbledore's head and said "Merry Christmas!"

The marauders instantly burst into laughter as Aria swiftly flicked her wand and muttered the spell Decorum. The pumpkins that had been previously floating above the students in the great hall all vanished as garland hung in itself between the pillars of the ceilings. Conjured Christmas trees, decorated with loads of lights and tinsels, decorated the great hall as the marauders continued to laugh in hysterics.

"Who is this girl?" said Sirius sarcastically as Aria made her way over to the Gryffindor table.

"That was amazing" said an astonished James, "a wrong holiday prank, why didn't we think of that?"

"You're going to get in so much trouble, Aria" said a very disappointed red-headed.

Aria took her seat in between Sirius and James, across from Lily and Remus.

"It was nothing" she shrugged as Sirius put his arm around her shoulder. Remus shuttered at the flirt and was about to roll his eyes when Dumbledore's voice spoke out.

"I must say Ms. Sterling, that was a very interesting practical joke you played, much better than the ones you're friends plan" Dumbledore said, "you will be spending the evening with professor McGonagall in her office at seven pm"

Aria's smirk was quickly wiped off of her face as she heard the last sentence.

"7 pm? Tonight? I have detention on halloween? During a dance!" said the confused looking girl to the Gryffindor's.

"Sorry mate, looks like you're missing the Halloween dance" said the bespectacled boy, James.

"You cant go to the party?" said a sad-looking Sirius, "What about my dance?"

"You will get your dance, don't worry" began Aria, "I will do whatever I am assigned quickly and I will meet you guys in the hall, I promise"

"Okay" said Sirius with an expression of misery, "I promise,  I won't dance with anyone until I get that dance with you. "


Aria once more sat in her assigned seat for detention in professor McGonagall's room.

"Today you will be polishing all the quidditch trophies found at Hogwarts" began McGonagall, "You have all night, take your time."

The reverberated sound of the halloween music could be heard all the way in the transfiguration classroom. It was around nine pm when a snowy white owl, similar to Aria's animagus form, pecked at the window. McGonagall opened the window, allowing the owl entry into the almost deserted classroom.

"You may go to the dance now" the teacher said as she shakily read over the note for the third time, "Professor Dumbledore has called an urgent meeting with all professors regarding a prophecy Ms. Sybil Trelawney has made"

"Is everything alright?" said Aria as she placed the newly polished quidditch trophy back on the stand.

"Yes, dear. I'm sure it is nothing. Although Sybil is a stupendous student, she tends to get her prophecies incorrect" she teacher said as she left Aria alone in the classroom.

Aria quickly made her way up to her dormitory to get dressed into her Halloween costume she had previously brought prior to her detention. She slipped her blue and yellow dress up her body, charmed her hair to lay just over her shoulders, clipped her cape around her neck, fixed her makeup, and placed a bow on her head. She was the princess Snow White.

She finally made it down into the great hall where she was greeted with a room filled with disguised people, dancing away their problems. James came as a pirate, Lily dressed as the little mermaid, Alice and Frank came together dressed as the Frankenstein's, and Remus and Marlene came together, dressed as Cinderella and Prince Charming.

Dressed as prince Florian, Snow White's prince, Sirius was spotted amidst the dancing souls of Hogwarts students. Aria's heart shattered as she realized he was dancing with another girl,  Marlene, her friend. He promised her he wouldn't dance with anyone but her. 

He lied.

Aria was never one for confrontation. Fighting the urge to scream in Sirius' face, she made her way out of the great hall. Another tear slipping from the grasps of her eyes. She exited the castle and headed towards her favorite tree in the grounds.

"Is this spot taken?" said a soft voice from Aria's left.

"Why are you here, Black?" said the annoyed girl.

Using his last name seemed to affect Regulus deeply as he sighed and took a seat next to her anyway.

"He's a twat" he said, "doesn't deserve you"

The girl did not speak.

"I know how you are feeling, Marlene was my date too. It doesn't feel good to see the-" the boy said as he was interrupted.

"Look, I just really want to be alone. Black."

"I'm just trying to help" said the innocent boy.

"I don't need you're help, so you can go back to you're date and try to pry her hands off of mine"

"Fine, maybe I will just leave then!"

"Then leave!"

With that, the frustrated boy left, leaving Aria once again alone with her consuming thoughts.


"What was that?" she thought.


Aria swiftly left her seat and ran towards the castle where spells beng casted at each other could be heard. Panting slightly, Aria opened the main doors and welcomed the sight of death eaters in the castle.

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