Questions to be answered (Pt 1

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The picture above is another picture I drew for (Y/N)

Your POV

"I believe both of us need answers...."

Those words for some reason filled me with a sense of dread, Error's voice held one of remorse and a hollow meaning.

'what do you mean?'

"If we are going to continue this, we both need answers"

I agree with what Error says, we barely even know each other, and from how things are going, I guess this is the best way to understand.

'what do you want to know?'

Error sighed, he paused for a moment, possibly thinking of one of many questions he may have.

"What do you remember, before we met"

That first question was hard, I don't remember much of my past, and I don't believe that I need to.

'I don't remember much, I know my mother and father died, I lived with my grandmother and aunt, but they were killed by my grandfather, I ran away, I fell, I saved monsters... I-"

My hands started to shake from the awful memories of me mercilessly killing others over, and over again,the hate I felt, the blood lust.

'I, killed the monsters too'

Dread filled me, how can someone do something like that?

Error clasped my wrist gently, he gave me a nod saying I didn't have to continue, I guess Error does know my same regret from killing me, but was it only me that killed?

"You can ask something from me now"

There were many questions in my head, but what stood to me the most was one that Core gave me, is he really from Undertale, and how did he end up here?

'how did you get to this place?' I gestured to the emptiness that he has called the anti-void

"Hehe, tough one there Snow... To be honest, I don't remember, I just woke up here, sad about something or someone, I was here for an extended amount of time, till I found out how to travel between worlds"

So, he doesn't remember his past too?
How ironic that both of us have alot in common.

"K, now my turn, how do you know how to do magic?"

That one was quite simple

'when, my parents died my grandmother would have horrible pain, I was desprete to help in some way, and one day, it just happened, but sadly, I can only heal the mind from the pain, I cannot heal wounds, only make the mind think there isn't any pain'

"What about what you did to Sans?"

'the same thing as healing someone, I can effect others for just afew moments, and make people forget afew minutes of a conversation'

'now me, you say there are other worlds right?, Can I see one of them?'

Error gave me a indescribable expression, remorse? No not that..... Hatred.

"We, can't"

'why not?'

"Because.............. They don't exist anymore"

He gave me a stern look, I guess that was a more personal question. I gave him a nod, understanding that I was not going to pester into it.

"Ok, last one for now............... I can tell you're getting weaker, how come?"

Does he know?
That becoming weaker.

'yes, and for your question, it's because magic like mine, it drains me'

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