short encounter

333 8 11

Error's POV

The moment I took Snow's hand, everything almost stood still, even when the world around was moving, their hand was cold like frost, but soft, their touch tracing my hand, all the dips and edges, my cheekbones radiated yellow, I tried my best not to get distracted by them, but their touch was something my mind wouldn't pass off.

When we reached the farther parts of waterfall we needed a umbrella, I was reluctant to let go of Snow's had in fear they'd freeze, I tucked them under the umbrella as close to me as I could, one reason being the size of the umbrella, the other because I wanted to keep Snow warm.

Our footsteps echoed all through waterfall, the flowing of water slowly fading off into the background, suddenly Snow started tracing their fingers around my ribcage, it tickled in a way, but mostly it was causing my soul to beat at the speed of light.

'dont get distracted Error, Snow's just curious'

My pace slower drastically, they didn't notice, I don't even think they are aware of anything.
Soon enough Snow started dipping their finger into my chest cavity, I shuddered by their movement, my body almost yearning for their soft touch.
My soul was no longer in my control to its yearning, my soul moved to their hand, (despite my efforts not to) when Snow started to pet it in such soft circular motions I felt a feeling that was so absent in me.
Tiny purrs and moans escaped my teeth, Snow didn't notice, soon they stopped.
I was in a way sad for their absence but in another way, I did bring them out here to show them this landscape.

They didn't seem at awe from their surroundings, I looked at them and immediately my soul stopped beating.
They were beautiful/handsome. (A/N gender neutral beauty)
I felt as if my world would end without them, I trusted them, and they trusted me, all I wanted now was to hold them close.

My pinpricks landed on Snow's hands, I wanted to hold them, to keep them in mine.
As I lifted them I couldn't help but notice the fractures hidden within, they looked so fragile and felt so cold, I started to trace them gently, Snow flinched to my touch, I noticed that it hurt them, I traced softer, studying every crack.
When I reached their face I could see a broken soul, a soul filled with pain, they felt alone.
Their tears pricked, it was horrible seeing them so broken.
Just like me.

I wiped their tears, and they wiped mine.

At that moment I just wanted them, I wanted their smile their laugh, their touch, their warmth.
I wanted them, I needed them.

But that MK kid just had to interject.
That moment could have been my only chance.
And they took it
They interfered





I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see (Y/N), they had a worried look on their face.
I shook my head ridding the thoughts.

'hey, are you ok?'

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a lil headache is all"

'oh, ok!'

They packed the board back into their pockets walking next to me.

We were taking a shortcut, using the river person to float our way to Snowden, I bet Snow will freak out, I love how childish they are.

We waited a moment before seeing the cloaked person on a boat with the ram of a cat's head, He gestured us to come into the boat, I helped Snow onto the boat before sitting next to them.

"Snowden please"

"Sure thing tra la la"

We were soon off, Snow gasping every now and then in awe, the river person singing his tunes while we float down stream.

As we closed in on Snowden location our surroundings became eerie and cold, not like Snowden but a chill that could chill you to the bone, everything went silent and Snow shivered to this change, I held them close in a protective way eyeing the river person.

"Not all stories end in the faint of hearts"

Snow shuddered hiding their face away in my scarf in fear.
The mood changed again bringing they life back, almost as if it never happened.
I wanted to punch that cloaked figure for scaring my Snow, but I refused to do so.

Soon we ended up in Snowden, be thanked the river person before heading our way to the skeletons house, it feels like is just gonna get more strange from here

And what did the river person mean by "Not all stories end in the faint of hearts"?

Maybe he's just talking silly.


A/N this is short but let's just say it's a filler
Have a great day/ night

*Jumps in phone booth and disapears*

Bye potatoes!

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