Chapter 42: I Love You

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It had been 2 days since I had seen or spoken to Draco, almost like he had disappeared, but I knew where I would find him when I was ready. It seems that he chose to respect the time and space I needed from him, or he was prepared for this reaction, he knew he would risk losing me, yet he did it anyways.

The truth was I missed him terribly and I wanted nothing more than to run into that room and fall into his arms, however I kept thinking about the last thing I had said to him in anger, I called him a murderer.

It wasn't fair of me to label his actions so harshly, because I didn't know how much strength it took for him to choose my safety over his soul, over a future together, he was willing to give it all up for me.

It seemed like it was me who couldn't find the courage to face him after the way I had treated him. He didn't deserve that, I shed a tear, as I sat alone in the common rooms, remembering my favourite happy moments with him, the way he dragged me into that classroom and kissed me demanding I was his, the way he whispered into my ears that he had missed me, the moment we laid down together in the astronomy tower, his hand slowly holding mine.

I wiped away my tears, and picked up a book to hide my face, crouching behind it shamefully on the couch. I hear someone sit down in the seat on the opposite side of the coffee table, I slowly peak my head up from my book to see who it was, it was Blaise, staring back at me with a smirk.

"If you were trying to hide, you should have picked a bigger book" he mocks, he slowly gets a better look at my face, and he loses his smirk.

"What's wrong?" he exclaims

"Allergies" I say sarcastically

"What did he do this time" he says shaking his head

"Why do you assume the worst of him" I snap back, why did I assume the worst of him?

"I just don't trust him" he says bluntly

"You don't even know him" I say picking up my book

"I know that you deserve to with someone who doesn't make you cry" he says firmly

"That sounds like a boring relationship" I say bluntly

"So, you two are in an official relationship?" he asks sceptically

"It's complicated" I say pretending to read

"Enlighten me" he says smugly

"We just want to be together that's all, in uncertain times like this, things like labels and commitment seems rather stupid doesn't it?" I explain

"If it were me Murph, I would want to make it clear what you are to me" he says confidently. I roll my eyes, fighting the urge to smile at his ridiculous statement.

"There's that smile" he says playfully, causing me to let out a small chuckle

"You are unbelievably annoying" I say playfully, as I get up from the couch

"You are unbelievably cute" he says with a grin.

"Don't let my BOYFRIEND hear that" I say sarcastically, as I leave him, I realise I suddenly feel better, I always did with Blaise, but he did get me thinking about something, I did like calling Draco my boyfriend, as stupid as it sounded, it felt like we were a normal 16 year olds for a second.

The sad part was I didn't even know where we stood anymore since I hadn't spoken to him since Saturday, he didn't even come to class, he was clearly avoiding me.

I get into the girl's dormitory and immediately fall onto my bed, I was exhausted, as I felt myself drift way into a deep sleep, I saw his grey eyes, I missed those grey eyes.

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