Chapter 24: Slug Club Dinner

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It was the night of Professor Slughorn's dinner, I got dressed up in a red dress, with matching red heels, I put one some makeup with my classic red lip to match my red dress and I brushed out my tangled dark hair so it was wavy. I started making way downstairs and see Blaise dressed up too,

"Were you invited to the slug club dinner party?" I ask confused.

"don't sound that shocked, I'm one of the top students in the class now that Malfoy barely tries" he smirks. I forgot Blaise had parents who put a lot of pressure on him as they were so successful, this made him more relatable and slightly more likeable.

"Well that's a shame, I'm not really into nerds" I say mockingly as we walk together out of the common rooms

"If only you could realise what a great power couple we would make" he says playfully grabbing my hand as we enter the dungeons. As we step out of the portrait we bump into Malfoy, he looks at us, eyeing our clothes and our hands holding each other. His face turns into a sneer and I could see his jaw clench.

"Malfoy, fancy seeing you back in the common rooms at a decent time" Blaise says playfully.

"Where are you two off too?" he says coldly.

"Slug club dinner party, we better head off, we don't want to be late Blaise" I say nervously trying to avoid looking at Draco.

"That's my Murph, always a people pleaser" Blaise says rolling his eyes playfully.

Draco's face turns into a smirk, "Yeh Murphy always does a good job as pleasing people" he says glaring at me. why was he doing this to me? I thought, he found pleasure in this.

"Oh, I just realised I forgot my invitation, I will be right back" Blaise says before disappearing through the portrait hole.

When he was gone, I turned back angrily towards Draco, "What the fuck was that" I shout.

He pushes me against the wall, bringing his lips close to mine "well, you did enjoy pleasing me last night" he growls. I could feel myself growing weak at the smell of him and the feeling of his breath close to my lips.

"Malfoy get off me, he's going to be back soon" I whisper eagerly.

"I don't care, he should know that you belong to me" he says with a smirk still standing holding me against the wall. It was taking everything I had to not kiss him right now.

"I don't want to be yours" I shout finally getting the strength to push him away

"So, you want to be with him?" he growls looking annoyed.

"He actually wants to be with me, you just want me as a toy to play with" I say growl

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy the way I played with you" he says arrogantly.

"Why are you doing this to me, now after all this time" I scream.

"Because I can't stand the sight of you with him, you looking like that and his arm around you like you are his trophy" he growls.

"Good, I hope you go to sleep tonight and replay the image in your mind, better yet why don't you imagine this dress on the floor of that empty class room and me lying on the desk in my underwear, and Blaise on top of me" I say sneering back at him,

I could see his face fuming hearing that, "you are going to meet in that classroom at 8.30, or I will tell Blaise about us that night" he growls, suddenly Blaise walks in holding his invitation.

"ready to go?" he says confused

"yes, of course" I exclaim angrily

I storm off dragging Blaise with me before I turn back looking at Draco's smug face.

We arrive at the dinner party, and were greeted pleasantly by Slughorn, "Ah Miss Murphy and Mr Zabini, so happy you could make it" he says.

I see Harry and Hermione at the corner, we both make our way over to them.

"Murph, you were invited, I'm so happy you listened to me" she exclaims.

"Where is Ginny?" Harry asks scanning the room, making Hermione smile subtly.

They both look at Blaise silently, and then I remembered they haven't ever met before.

"Oh sorry, this is Blaise Zabini, you guys haven't officially been introduced, he's one of the few Slytherins I tolerate" I say jokingly.

"let's just say she tolerates me the most" he says with smirk.

"Pleasure to properly meet you" Hermione says sincerely.

"Yeah I suppose we never had a chance to meet being on rival Quidditch teams" Harry says shaking his hand.

"Wow this is weird" I say bluntly, making them all laugh.

Hermione notices my uneasy expression and looks back with concern, "Harry, Blaise would you be so kind as to get us something to drink" Hermione says trying get me alone. They both walk away together.

"is everything okay?" she says intently.

"is it that obvious? Malfoy has just gotten under my skin about something and it's just making really worried" I say to her.

"What did he do? Was harry right about him?" she exclaims.

"No, no its nothing like that it's just stupid Slytherin stuff" I say trying to sound convincing, I couldn't tell her about us, I couldn't risk them not trusting me if they thought I had deeper feelings for him.

"I mean if he's bothering with juvenile bullying, I suppose that is a good sign he's not a death eater, right?" she says with a concerned look. She was right, if Malfoy was up to something, and it involved you know who, why would he bother torturing me with these games or getting jealous over stupid things, this made me feel better yet also nervous.

"how are you doing? I heard about Ron" I say to her sympathetically.

"I don't want to talk about it, he is perfectly within his rights to do what he wants" she says firmly before making her way to the dinner table. Everyone began getting seated.

I didn't pay any attention the dinner as we dined and conversed, all I could think about was Malfoy and his threat, it was almost 8.30, we haven't even started dessert yet, I couldn't leave but if I did what would that mean when I got there, I knew I wanted him but I couldn't do that again to Blaise, but I also couldn't risk him finding out about the other night, he would hate me, and although there were no feelings for him, I cared about him and I wouldn't be able to bear it if he stopped speaking to me.

Why is Malfoy doing this, why did he start this, although it was clear what his intentions were with me that night I couldn't help but question whether if it did mean more than just petty jealousy over Blaise, the way he kissed me, it was like he was hungry for me, like he couldn't get enough of me, it didn't seem like an act it seemed like he really wanted me like the way he used to.

Why did I feel so much for this horrible person, he wanted to use me and I knew it, but slowly as I was thinking everything over I realised I wanted to him to use me, I needed to feel the way he made me feel that night, for some reason that spell he had over me took over again, and suddenly I didn't care about the war or Harry or Blaise, I just needed him.

I stood up abruptly, "Sorry Professor you will have to excuse me, I don't think I feel very well".

Blaise stands up looking concerned, "Please stay I will be fine" I say to him and I begin to leave, "thank you so much for having me Professor" I say before exiting.

I begin running down the corridor and towards and downstairs to that empty classroom, I was thinking anymore, I didn't want to think anymore. 

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