₵Ⱨ₳₱₮ɆⱤ 5

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     "What's that?" Jack asked invasively as the two of you walked up to your front door.

     "What's what?" You followed the little boy's line of sight. 

     It lead you to a little green paper on your door. What is that? You pondered. Jack tried pitifully to jump and grab the note, failing. 

     "Hah, shortie." 


     You rolled your eyes and took the slip taped to your door. As you scanned the paper, you almost completely forgot that your younger brother was there. In fact, you nearly zoned out the entire rest of the world. 


     "Son of a bitch," You muttered without thinking. Jack stared up at you with big eyes and a tilted head. 

     "What does 'bitch' mean?" He asked. You froze in place without looking at him, your mouth part-way open as you mentally unpacked what your little brother had just said.

     "It means nothing." You said, decidedly. "Anyways!" 

     Your keys jingled as you opened your door. 

     "Why don't you go watch something before mom and dad get here?" You asked, allowing him to run inside. He dove for the remote on your little coffee table. 

     "I'm gonna watch Pokemon!" 

     You stepped inside, hardly taking notice of him as you stared at your new eviction slip.

     What the actual hell am I supposed to do about this? You asked yourself inwardly as you heard a familiar anime opening come on from the other room. Jack began to loudly sing along, momentarily distracting you from your issue. 

     You pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and your index finger as your whole body tensed. You couldn't be kicked out. Actually, I very well could be kicked out, and it's going to happen. Your brain argued. 

     Your parents had agreed to pay your first month of rent for you under certain circumstances - obvious ones, like, as long as you don't get hooked on weed, or date a serial killer or something. Despite your good behavior, that month had long run out, and there was really nothing you could do about it. 

     Jack pulled you back to your senses. 

     "Come on, Y/N, sing along!" He was cheerful. You were not.

     "Can't." You groaned. "Busy."

     Suddenly, you saw headlights through the blinds. Oh, double-decker shit sandwich. You thought. 

     You were lucky that you saw and grabbed the eviction notice when you did - if you had to look on the positive side of things - because you didn't know what kind of hell you'd be in if they found out. Even under these circumstances, you knew they wouldn't spend more savings on you. They needed their cash for Jack's college fund.

     "Jack, your parents are here!" You yelled for him as the sound of car doors closing was heard from outside. He walked up to you before tilting his head and asking: 

     "You mean our parents?" You looked down at him. 

     "Uh, yeah, whatever. Come on." 

     You opened your creaky front door and let him skip down the steps to meet your mom, who was climbing out of your dad's Buick. 

     "Hi, honey!" She said happily before swooping him up in a hug-like lift. 

     "Hi, mom!" He smiled. 

     Jack started chattering excitedly about his day, and you zoned him out as you stepped outside. Your eyes wandered to the darkening sky. 

     "Sorry we were so late," You heard from nearby. You looked back to earth to see your dad approaching you. 

     "It's fine," You muttered. Spending time with Jack wasn't that bad, but you much preferred peace and quiet. 

     "Sounds like you two had a good time," Your dad smiled. You shrugged. 

     "Jack was happier to see Freddy than he was to see me, but yeah, more or less." A hearty laugh rang out, but you weren't laughing. 

     "Otherwise nothing really happened." You told him. 

     "Y/N got a boyfriend!"

     Your eyes widened and for a second you felt paralyzed. Yeah, ok, one thing happened. 

     Your parents' heads snapped questioningly toward you and you took a step back against your door. 

     "He's 8; do you think he knows any better?" Their shoulders relaxed, but only a bit. "I was hanging out with a guy who worked there. I didn't even get his number or anything, I was just bored." Damn. Should've asked for his number. 

     Your dad let out a breath, and your mom laid a hand over her heart. You wanted to scream just then - maybe mention that you were 20 god damn years old - but held back.

     "Anyway, I would invite you guys in, but I'm really worn out. Besides, Jack probably needs to sleep soon." 

     Your dad nodded and looked at his wife. She smiled faintly, and before you knew it, you were being crushed in a bear hug. 

     "Bye, kiddo," You heard from outside his strangling grasp. 

     "Yeah- bye dad-" You hissed, breathless.

     Your little brother ran up the steps and hugged you. You kind of wanted to kick him off, but, of course, you didn't. It was his birthday and he probably wouldn't see you for at least a couple of weeks. You let him have his moment and ruffled his hair. 

     "Seeya, Jack. Don't cause mom too much trouble." 

     "He never does," You heard from in front of you. You almost rolled your eyes, but it'd be too noticeable. So you just waved your mother an awkward goodbye to which she returned the gesture. 

     Before they even made it to the car, you walked into the comfort of your warm house and closed the door. You leaned against it and let out a huge breath. 

     "Finally," you huffed. 

     Your relief didn't last for long, though, for you happened to notice a little green paper on your counter. 

     You picked it up and skimmed it. Again. It was unbelievable to you. You never really felt the full reality of adult problems kick in until right now. 

     The tiny paper crumpled in your hands as you slid down your door, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. Shit. Fuck, shit, shit shit shit. Double shit. Triple. You thought mindlessly. 

     And with that, you leaned your head against the door behind you as the first tear fell. 

     I really need a job.

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