The Aftermath

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I stare at the pile of dust before me. My heart sinks. Goosebumps raise on the back of my neck. I know that every reaper feels this right now. They all know what just happened.

"D-Dean," I stutter, trying to grasp reality. At this point, I've forgotten my wounds and they're taking their toll.

Dean is at my side in a split second. He holds me against him. I wince from the gouge in my side. Cas takes only a few seconds in healing me. I stay curled up in Dean's arms.

Despite my physically restored state, I'm still in shock. I stare at the bodies littered around the room, the shattered glass and splintered wood. The blood coating it all.

"Mallory," Dean holds me at arm's length. "Look at me."

I do as he asks, but everything feels glassed over and unreal.

"What?" Is all I can manage to spit out of my mouth that hangs open in shock.

Dean replaces me in his hold. Sam and Cas have left the building. It's just us, sitting at the dilapidated altar. Dean knows that I'm trying to process, and gives me a few minutes before he starts to drill me with questions.

"Mallory what were you thinking?" He asks.

"You weren't supposed to be here, Dean," I mumble. "How did you even do that? I made sure you were far enough away to not get here."

"Flights are quicker than cars," Dean says simply.

"You hate planes," I frown.

"So you know how important this was."

I turn red. Part of me is embarrassed for making such a fuss.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" He asks. "Do you know how gut wrenching it was to read that note? I threatened to kill Cas if he didn't bring us here. And he still didn't, the bastard."

"At least I know he's solid," I joke, trying to avoid Dean's masked anger. I can tell he's trying to be gentle.

"Never do this again," Dean scolds me. "It doesn't matter what the situation is or how bad it looks. We go in together and we come out together. Every time."

"I'm sorry, Dean," I apologize. "Really. I just couldn't bear the thought of you all being killed for me. There was no sense behind it."

"I get that, but that doesn't change the fact that you didn't tell us what was going on."

I nod. "You're right."

Dean chuckles. "I like the sound of that."

"Shut up."

Dean helps me stand. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," I nod. "No doubt, there's going to be a lot going on in the veil now. Everyone knows by now. We should go home and lay low for a while."

Dean smiles. "Just the way we started."

"Wait, where's Sigrid?" I ask.

"Oh, um...we may or may not have had Cas trap her. She wanted to come with, Sam wouldn't allow it."

I chuckle, then kiss him on the cheek. "If you ever trap me, I'll kill you."

Dean's smile fades and he looks somewhat alarmed. I laugh at his expression.

Sam and Cas are waiting outside. I approach them and give them both a tight smile.

"You good?" Sam asks.

"I'm good," I reply.

Right as the words leave my lips, the ground below us begins to shake. Like an earthquake, but this is nothing to do with the earth. This is cosmic dissonance. Someone, somewhere, is very upset.

Cas looks at me. "You take Dean, I'll take Sam."

I nod. Dean jogs out with my weapons bag and places an arm around my shoulders. "We should leave."

In the blink of an eye, we're in the bunker. Sigrid knows we've come home.

"Sam? Cas?" She calls from the basement.

"Really guys? The dungeon?" I scoff.

I follow Sam as he makes his way downstairs and frees her. She looks at him like he's the only thing in the world.

"You're safe," she smiles.

"Always," he assures her.

Sigrid sees me peeking around the doorway.

"Mallory!" She yells, running at me full-force. She chokes me out with a hug that would kill a bear. "Thank God you're okay. Never do that again, got it? Sheesh, we were so worried and then they wouldn't let me go with and -"

"I know," I cut her off. "Everything is fine though. For now."

"Death..." she trails off, looking me in the eyes.

I nod. "Yeah. Dean did it."

She raises her eyebrows and lets out an impressed hum.

I lose her attention as Sam puts an arm around her waist. I decide to give them privacy and go find my own Winchester.

I find him where I left him. He's thanking Cas for everything and I suppose I should do the same.

"Mallory," Cas acknowledges me. "I'm sorry. I couldn't keep them away. You know how they are. Like dogs. In flannels."

I shake my head. "I shouldn't have asked you to do that. It wasn't fair anyway. But I suppose it couldn't have ended much better than it did."

Cas nods in agreement.

"Thank you, Cas," I say sincerely.

"Anything for a Winchester," he grins.

Then he's gone. It's just me and my Winchester. I smile thinking of how Cas dubbed me an honorary Winchester.

"How do you feel?" Dean asks, looking me over.

I shrug. "Okay, I think. But you felt that earthquake...that was something big happening and it's directly correlated with what happened in that church."

Dean nods. "I know. But we can worry about that later. Right now, I have something else in mind."

"What?" I ask, panic seeping into my voice. Another fiasco? Already? "Please tell me it's just a hunt or something small, Dean, I really -"

"Shush," Dean quiets me. Closes the gap between us, resting his hands on my waist. "I think it involves me, you and some alone time. Turn your brain off for a little bit."

"How long has yours been turned off?" I ask jokingly.

"Now you've done it," he growls, and hoists me over his shoulder, carrying me to his room.

I turn red and giggle at him, swatting at his back, but knowing that I never want him to put me down. After everything, Dean is the most disarming weapon anyone could use against me, and he knows it, too. The bastard.

Dean sets me down on the bed and shuts the door. For effect, he puts a record on the player. On brand, the sound of AC/DC fills the room and I laugh at his enthusiasm for classic rock. It never changes. Dean never changes.

He wastes no time taking his place over top of me, delivering sweet kisses to my lips, cheeks and neck. I close my eyes and give into it, letting my brain turn off as I listen to the old rock music softly playing through the record player on Dean's dresser.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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