Final Hour

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The sun begins to rise in the East. I sit at the altar of the church and watch it through the stained glass windows. By now, Dean, Sam and Sigrid are aware of the situation. They'll never be here in time though, and I find peace in that. I just hope they don't come anyway to find the remnants of what could be a massacre.

I stash my weapons bag, keeping a few things on me - a gun loaded with bullets from melted angel blades and an angel blade from Cas himself.

I take my place back at the altar and wait. Soon enough, I hear marching up the wooden steps outside. The doors open and I'm faced with my father, along with five other reapers in tow. I don't recognize any of them, but I'm sure they've all got some type of political standing with my father.

"Mallory," Death coos. "What a surprise. You look...different."

"Earth changes a reaper," I joke tensely.

"Where are your friends?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Far from here. You have no business with them, I'm what you want. Leave them out of this."

My father laughs a cold, sharp chuckle. "They hid you, killed our kind, and turned more against us. They're just as guilty as you."

"Sir, why don't we focus on the task at hand?" A young blonde female mutters. "We have her. There's no way she can fight all of us off."

Death grins wickedly. "You're right."

"What if I didn't come here to fight?" I ask, even though it's a total lie. "I'll come back. You can lock me up again and I'll stay this time, if you leave my friends alone."

"Your feeble attempts of negotiating are worthless," Death taunts me. "You've had your chance. You know you won't walk out of here."

I look at the floor and nod. If this is how it's going to be, then so be it. Drawing fast, I take my gun out and fire two shots at the reapers. One is a headshot, the other pierces the blonde girl's shoulder. One down.

From there, it's a blur. The other five rush me, and it's a fight of tooth and nail to survive and face my father. I won't lose my life to another reaper.

I channel all of my energy into healing my superficial injuries as they occur, and throwing reapers off of me as they attack. Every time I send one flying into a wall, it buys me time to deal with another.

One falls unconscious as she hits a wall for the second time. I finish the girl I shot in the shoulder with a slice of the throat. Two down.

The two conscious reapers are both men twice my size. They put up a good fight, ridding me of my gun and battering me to bruises in the process. My energy begins to deplete, and right as I stop healing, one of them delivers a knife gouge into my side.

"Fuck!" I yell, feeling my blood seep into my clothes.

This gives them the upper hand. They take me down, one pinning down each arm. I yell in protest, demanding them to get off of me. I can see my gun in my peripheral vision, it's just out of reach. If I could free my right arm, I could get out of this.

With what little energy I have left, I kick the one restraining my right side. He soars into one of the pews and I make quick work of reaching my gun. I grab it and shoot the man holding my left side.

I stand up, weary and faint from blood loss. Not wasting any time, I shoot the other reaper that held me down.

I face my father, ready to enter my final battle. I know this is it. He stares me down with an amused look. Before I can ask what he thinks is so entertaining, I'm grabbed by one last reaper that I forgot about. The one that was only unconscious - not dead.

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