The Broken Road

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It turns out I was correct in my assumption of high tensions around the bunker. Ellen pries at me to figure out my life story every time I get stuck in a room with her and Jo... Jo is the same.

Even Dean seems to be different. I understand he owes it to them to respect them and whatnot, but it's getting old. For the week that they've been here, I've only gotten affection out of Dean twice. He's all business for no reason.

I'm in the library, reading a book Sam recommended, when Jo makes an entrance.

"Hi," I greet her as casual as possible.

"Hey," she replies shortly. She looks around the shelves for a few minutes.

"Do you need something? I might be able to help you find whatever you're looking for," I offer.

As I say it, she pulls a book of the shelf. Then, she rounds the chair I'm in. "I'm good, thanks. But can I ask something?"

"Sure," I close my book and give her my attention.

"Who are you? You seem to have Dean on quite the leash, and that's nothing like him. He doesn't need someone controlling him, you know. He has enough on his plate as it is."

"I'm sorry, what?" I laugh. "It's none of your business what goes on between Dean and I. I don't have him on a leash, he can do what he wants." I regret the words as soon as I say them, because I know exactly what I just said.

"Mom and I are both watching you," she warns me. "If you hurt either of these boys, we'll kill you."

"If I was going to hurt them, I would've already done it. I've been here for months. Calm down."

Jo glares at me, then leaves. I sigh; is every hunter a Russian doll? Do I have to dig through layers of rudeness to get to some type of pleasant personality?

I leave the library to go find Dean, mostly to make sure Jo hasn't found him. He's in his room, cleaning his pistol on his desk. I knock, even though the door is partially open.

"Yeah," he says absentmindedly. I close the door behind me and walk to him, kissing his cheek.

"Hi," I say sweetly.

"Hey babe," he grins, and puts down his cleaning equipment. I lean against the desk to face him. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just missed you," I shrug.

"Oh," he nods. "Fair enough. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah," I respond quickly. "Well..."


"I'm afraid Ellen and Jo might actually kill me."

"Don't worry about them, they're just like that."

I sigh. Dean grabs my arm and pulls on me until I sit in his lap. I lean my head on his shoulder. "Jo likes you."

"She does not," Dean reasons.

"Yes she does. She thinks I'm going to hurt you and screw your life up."

"Do you think that?"

"No, of course not."

"Well neither do I, so it doesn't matter."

I smile to myself. This is the Dean that I love. I've missed him lately.

Dean's door opens out of nowhere. I jump to get off Dean's lap, but he holds me in place.

"Hey, Dean!" Jo pokes her head in and immediately makes a face. "Oh."

"What do you need?" He asks.

"I was going to ask if you'd come with me to pick some things up. Mom and Sam are busy and I don't want to risk going alone."

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