Busting Out

999 35 3

Mallory's POV
Jail cell

I take in the information Sigrid is firing off at me. She talks at a million words per minute, and I've never heard her talk so much.

"So let me get this straight...instead of just sneaking me to the portal quietly, you're going to potentially kill me, make a scene to get me to the infirmary, and then just throw me through at the last second?"

"I won't throw you," she frowns. "But essentially, yes, that's the plan. I know it's crazy, but there's no way to just quietly sneak you out. The hall to the infirmary is heavily guarded for this reason. But if we create enough ruckus, the guards will come here to ensure the unit is secure, and I'll take you in that little window of time. We go through the portal together, your friends help us out, and bam. We're both free birds."

"You're crazy," I sigh. "I would've never guessed you to be a rule breaker."

"Well, might as well try. Hey, how's your back doing?"

"It still hurts, but I can move more. Probably a few more days of medicine and I can move enough to go through with this."

"Good," Sigrid nods. "Hey, speaking of, when I get you back to Dean, tell that man to work on his temper. He was not happy when I paid them a visit."

"Probably not, I mean, I've been gone for almost three weeks now...and they didn't know where I was for most of it."

"Three weeks?" She snorts. "Try three months. Time passes much slower here."

"Three months?!" I almost choke on my own air. "Holy shit, those poor boys...they've been dealing with this way longer than I thought."

"I won't lie to you, they were both looking like a wreck when I showed up." She pauses. "Speaking of time, it's looking like a few days has already gone by down there. I should go back and solidify the plans. I'll be back soon. Remember, comply."

"Thank you, Sig. Be careful."

Some time passes. The guards check on me frequently. One of the male guards comes into my cell and retrieves me for a shower. One thing I won't miss is the cold, fast showers under the watch of strange male guards.

He takes me back to my cell, gives me my meds, and leaves.

After a few more days of harsh treatment, Sigrid finally arrives back. She dismisses the guard.

When he is gone, Sigrid comes in to check on me. "Are you doing okay?"

"I'll be really glad when I get to shower by myself again. Do you have news?"

"Sorry. What little pleasure these sleaze bags can get, they will take," she sighs. "Yes. The Winchesters and Castiel are ready. They're waiting in Anaheim as we speak. I have everything I need on me right now. It's just up to you."

"Undo the binds," I request. She unlocks them all. This is the first time in apparently three months that I've been unhampered by chains and restraints. I walk around and stretch a little. My back still hurts, but it's not enough to keep me here any longer. "Let's do this. What's the plan?"

"We fight, make a lot of noise, you let me get a good cut onto your side, the guards come to secure the unit while I take you to the portal. The boys are waiting on the other side. I've already let them know we're coming. This should be quick, so it'll only be a few hours for them."

"Alright, let's do this then."

"Hey! What are you doing up?!" Sigrid yells loudly. For a moment, her voice is almost scary. She rushes me, and I get into character.

"I'm getting out of here!" I yell. I kick my chair over, breaking parts of it off. As Sigrid and I spar, I pick up pieces and throw them around to make noise.

"Sorry, Mal," she whispers. I feel a sharp pain on my side and let out a true howl of pain. "Security!" Sigrid screams.

Within seconds, guards are storming the unit. Sigrid commands them to secure the holding block while she escorts me. They follow her orders.

"Are you okay?" She asks quietly, supporting part of my weight as I hold my side.

"I will be when this is over," I hiss.

"Okay, this way," she instructs.

We break down a short hallway and toward a glowing door. Sigrid says a few words in Latin, and the door opens. Within moments, I'm collapsing onto the ground in Anaheim, California.

"Mallory!" Dean calls desperately. He and Cas are knelt by my side. "Come on, Cas! Heal her!"

"I can't. The sigils on her skin...they're blocking my healing," he admits.

"Fuck!" Dean yells. Without warning, he picks me up and carries me. "We have to move. We can stitch her up at the motel. This isn't the place to be right now."

The ride to the motel is a blur. All I remember is Dean tearing his flannel and pressing it to my side to keep my blood from spilling. It can't be too bad, as I'm able to keep my consciousness about me.

Once we're in the room, Dean sets me on a bed, on my side facing him. "Hey, listen to me, this is gonna hurt, but this is the best we can do. You'll live."

"Sam, get my flask and the med kit from my bag."

I feel a deep sting as Dean cleans my wound with what I'm guessing is whiskey. It wakes me up, and I'm fully alert for the rest of the stitches.

"It's so good to see you," I tell Dean quietly. The others are distracted, talking about Sigrid's warding. "I'm so sorry."

"Listen, babe, when I'm done patching you up, we can get as feelsy as you want. Right now, I gotta focus."

Thirty minutes and a few swigs of whiskey later, Dean's finished. I sit up on the side of the bed, and the first thing he does is kiss me. I missed that.

"I'm sorry. I should've been more careful," I admit.

"It's not your fault. None of us were expecting that at all. Sam and I could've kept you safe from a normal djinn, but that? That was out of your hands and ours."

"Mallory," Cas interrupts. "I need to look at the sigils on your back. It would be beneficial to mark you with the same warding that I gave Sigrid, but I can't manifest any power onto you until those sigils are gone."

"Maybe we should all go back to the bunker, where there's some more, um, privacy?" I suggest.

Cas nods in agreement.

"I need to leave," Sigrid announces. "Thank you, Castiel, for the warding."

"Sig, thank you for everything," I smile at her. "I owe you a lot for this. If you need anything, come find me. Stay safe. Check in once in a while."

"You got it, Mal. Oh, by the way, you've got probably another 24-48 hours before they realize what's going on here. You should get home," she grins, then disappears through the door.

I look up at Dean, who's already looking at me. "Let's go home."

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