Valentine's Day (AU)

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Author's Note: This is dedicated to tmntlover02 for recommending this idea. I'm sorry this took a little longer to update, I've just be a little stressed out with personal issues that I don't feel comfortable talking about to anyone. So, yeah, it's kinda hard dealing with them by myself. This may suck a little, but it's the best I can do at the moment. Well, I hope you guys enjoy.

"Morning sweetheart," Casey sing-songs to his lover, kissing his temple as his eyes flutter open from sleep. "What do you want?" Raph groans, just in the manner of not being one of those people who don't like getting up as early as 9:00 in the morning. He feigns hurt with a pouting lip. "Now is that any way to talk to your boyfriend on Valentine's Day?" he teases, knowing him all too well that he wouldn't be thinking about anything like that when he just wakes up. His head springs up from the bed. "That's today?!" he asks surprisedly, feeling a pang of guilt of not remembering and not getting him anything. Casey just gives a soft chuckle. "Don't worry" - he cups his chin, stroking his cheek with his thumb reassuringly - "I didn't expect you to remember when you just wake up." He felt slightly better knowing that he sensed his nervousness, but that's not entirely why. It just never really crossed his mind. He smiles though, enjoying the sensation of his thumb against his skin. He stops after a few more seconds. "Come on," he says, picking up his lover bridal style from their bed, "I have something for you."

As they reach the end of the hall, Raph ends up with his arms wrapped around his neck from behind, and Casey holding him by his thighs. He throws him onto the couch, having him laugh like a five-year-old-child for a brief second. "I'll be right back," he says as his lover's laughter fades away. He sits up, waiting for him on the couch. He easily got lost in his thoughts. What would be a perfect gift for him without him knowing that it was last-minute? His thoughts are interrupted by another voice, "You okay?" Casey's voice makes him jump, unaware of his presence. He looks down at the floor, "I'm fine, why?" He cocks an eyebrow. "Well for starters," he says, wrapping his arm around his shoulders, "you've seemed kinda down this morning. What's going on?" He blushes of embarrassment, the guilt rising of his memory and lack of respect to the romantic holiday. "Um..." he starts, too scared to tell him about his forgetfulness. Thoughts ran through his mind again. Would he forgive him that he forgot? Would he be forgiven that he didn't get him anything? "Raph," he hears again, more stern this time. He looks again at his boyfriend. His arm is stretched out, rubbing his back. "Just say it." He bites his bottom lip, "Don't hate me?" Casey cocks an eyebrow. "Why - and how - could I ever hate you?" He looks away, staring at the wall. He draws a sharp breath, eyes falling closed as he does so. "I forgot about Valentine's Day," he says quickly, biting his lip harder. He hears a soft chuckle coming from the nit-wit next to him.

"That's it?" Casey says, as if it wasn't much of a big deal. Raph looks over at him once more, puzzled. "Yeah. You're not upset?" he asks, his tone dripping with confusion. He
laughs again. "Of course not! I don't care if you've forgotten the holiday or forgot to get me something. All I wanted was to spend time with you today," he says reassuringly. He kisses his forehead as a wide smile comes across his lover's face. He places his chin on top of his head, and they curl up like that for a few minutes. After the silent, comfortable cuddling, Casey picks up his boyfriend-once again, bridal style - and starts walking in the direction of the next room over. "Now I have something for you." As they reach the kitchen, he places Raph down in a chair at the table. He kneels down, his lips just centimeters away from his face. "Close your eyes," he whispers huskily into his ear. it sends small chills down his back from the heat of his breath. All he can do is nod, closing his eyes as he does so. "No peeking," he sing-songs. It almost seems like a five-year-old, telling his parents not to open their eyes for a hand-made gift they worked on for the past couple of hours. It's one of the most adorable things ever to him. Especially if it's Casey. He smiles at the thought of his idiot, hearing the shuffling across the small room of the apartment the couple had just recently gotten.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," he hears his moron call out happily after a fairly loud plop on the table in front of him. His eyes widen as they open. "That's a pretty big box," Raph points out, stunned by the huge, red heart-shaped box right in front of him. Casey smirks at the happiness and content swimming in the eyes of his shorter lover. "Glad you like it," he says softly, lightly planting his lips on the top of his head. He pulls Raph out of the chair he was sitting in, taking the place instead and bringing him back down to his lap. His cheeks burn to a bright red, almost the same bold color of his hair. He tries to ignore it, bringing the box closer to them. He tugs at one end of the ribbon, having the neat bow come easily be undone by the lightest pull. He removes the cover, having the sweet-tooth of his be contained for a second. He takes out two, handing one to the imbecile behind him. Both take a bite, savoring the taste and the moment together. They each have a few more, and then Casey gets a slightly mischievous idea. "Hey Raph," he says, the vibrant green eyes facing his direction to lock with his hazel-colored, "what flavor you have in your mouth right now?" He raises an eyebrow, confused on why he'd ask such a question, "Coconut, why?" Casey points to his lips, a smirk coming across his face, "You wanna know what it tastes like with caramel?"

He blushes deeply, the dilation in his eyes just barely noticeable. He ducks his head down, covering his blush behind his hand. "I-I guess," he says, smiling cheekily while removing his hand. There wasn't much of a break before Casey's lips were smashed onto his, his tongue breaking through his lips. Their eyes flutter close as their tongues touch, Casey's exploring feverishly. They pull away after a minute or so, a thin strand of saliva being the only thing connecting their lips. Even though they had had kisses like that before-many times, actually-Raph still gets that burning sensation in his cheeks of a deep, bold, blush. And even though it had been seen many times, Casey still gets that amusing smirk upon each time it comes out. "Love you, Raph," he says, stroking his boyfriend's hair. He smiles back with a light, loving chuckle, "Love you, too, Case."

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