The Notebook

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Author's Note: WHOA! HOW DID I GET 302 READS?! Well, that'll probably be the highlight of my day today. It's kinda sad, but I have no life. I'm sorry if it sucks, this is the best I can do at the moment.

        Casey brought his homework to do in the lair to do in the lair, since he didn't want to do it at home and his dad will make him quit if he doesn't keep his grades up. Raph, who was bored out of his mind, finally decided to distract him from his homework. When he looked over his shoulder, he found Casey not even doing his homework. He was doodling on the front of his Trig notebook with permanent marker.
        "Whatcha doin'?" he asked, leaning on his boyfriend's shoulder. Casey shrugged, "Just doodling." Raph cupped his hands over Casey's shoulder, resting chin on them. He watched him doodle some more, before he got bored again. "Mind if I do it with you?" he finally asked, unable to tolerate his boredom. Casey put the notebook on one of his, and one of Raph's knees. He handed him a black Sharpie with a smile. He shifted his position so he could have a better hold, wrapping his left arm around Casey's shoulders.
        Hours passed of laughing at each other's ridiculous doodles before Casey decided his dad could want him home. He pecked Raph on the nose, called for April (since he had to take her home), and walked out. When April came into the room, Raph stopped her quickly. He gave her the notebook and the marker take back, and asked her to hand them to him. She gave a quick nod before accepting them, a devious smile on her face. When she was far enough away from the two, she put both of them in her own bag. Then she caught up with Casey.
        The next day, Casey was having a small panic attack at his locker, since he couldn't find his notebook and he didn't do his homework. April and Irma came up to him, faces red with stiffled laughs.
        "You left this with Raph last night. He asked me to give it to you last night, but I guess I forgot," April giggled. Casey gave an unconvinced glare, "Yeah, 'forgot.'"
        When he got into class, some of his classmates turned in his direction, and snickered. He was going to question it, but shrugged it off instead. The teacher wasn't in the room yet, so he quickly sat down and copied a friend's homework answers before class starts.
        After the period, April and Irma passed by his locker again. Irma stood on her toes to reach Casey's ear, "Don't look on the back of your notebook." They smirked, walking away. Now he was scared, yet curious, to find out what was there. He felt his blood boil when he turned it over, recognizing April's handwriting. His face turned firetruck red when he noticed the rest of it: a big heart, taking up most of the back of the notebook, then inside it, big and bolded, was R+C.

Author's Note: Kinda suckish, I know. But really this is the best I can come up with right now.

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