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Happy ninth birthday to the first one-shot here! I genuinely super appreciate the fans I've gathered over the years and every positive comment from y'all. I started these after a friend of mine went on hiatus for their own, and though she's since deleted her account here, I'm glad that I've gotten to enjoy writing for these guys again despite the near 7 year gap after initially claiming to be done. Here's some fluff both in celebration and to ease up on the rollercoaster that was the last 3 parts. This is also uhhhh taking place s2 bc I said so. Enjoy!

Raph releases his third heavy sigh in the last minute while dramatically draped over the sofa, and Casey thinks he's going to kill him.

"What, Raph?" he snaps, causing his boyfriend to jump slightly.

"I'm bored," the turtle groans after quickly recovering. "Are you done yet?"

Casey, as out of character as it is, has actually been trying to keep up on his school work to keep a decent enough grade to stay on the hockey team. As a result, he's been spending less time with Raph, despite them sitting next to each other as he does so. Over the past week of this, his boyfriend has been particularly irritating in his personal opinion.

"Clearly," he retorts, "I'm not. Go spar with Leo or, I don't know, train, or something - you usually do that when you're bored."

"Yeah," is the snarky response, "when I don't have my boyfriend next to me."

Casey rolls his eyes as he finally turns to face said boyfriend, seeing him now lying on his plastron which leaves the hockey player now pinned to the arm of the couch. The turtle is pouting at him, and he can't help but snicker at how cute he looks.

Any other comment he had dies on his tongue as a grin spreads across his face, Raph's pout never changing.

"If I give you fifteen minutes," he says instead, "will you leave me be for a bit?"

The pout is gone in a heartbeat, neon green eyes lighting up like stars and his smile mirrors a child's on their birthday. Casey hardly has enough time to clear his lap before Raph is sitting there, nuzzling his face against his partner's neck as the human laughs at the sheer cuteness of his behavior.

"So," he continues once they're both comfortable, "what do you want to do now?"

Raph merely shrugs, and Casey's a bit taken aback.

"Doesn't matter," and Raph sounds far more content than he did earlier. "I got your attention. I'm happy."

Casey snorts, turning his head to kiss the terrapin's beak.

"You're such a baby," comes the lighthearted insult with another chuckle.

"Maybe," the turtle smirks against his skin, "but I'm your baby."

"And don't you forget it," Casey sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms more securely around the other's waist.

They spend maybe twenty minutes just cuddling, and by the time Raph is almost half asleep, Casey picks his homework back up. He doesn't, however, bother to move the teen on top of him, choosing to work around him instead.

He's pleased to realize that Raph doesn't whine about it again.

Sorry it's kinda short, I wanted to get this out before midnight in my timezone. Hope it's ok anyhow lol

Published: Nov. 4 23, 11:54 p.m. EST

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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