Short (AU)

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Author's Note: This is a human AU. I was thinking of making this normal, but it wouldn't make much sense. By the way, this is in Raph's point of view. As always, I hope you guys enjoy.

        And again, I choose not to eat at lunch. This isn't the first time, it's usually the knot in my stomach I get when I think about him. He never leaves me alone, bullying me everyday. I fool my brothers into thinking it's clumsiness and foolishness, but I'm pretty sure they're starting to realize what it really is. No one ever sees him do it, he usually does it somewhere where nobody would notice or see. Or when he does do it where everyone can see, no one pays attention. No one cares. But no matter what he does, no matter what he says, I just can't hate him. He picks on me for being gay, short, and friendless. I had friends, but I lost them when I told them my sexual orientation. It's the worst thing, losing people because of that. There's nothing I can help with that. What hurts worse is having your crush tear you for that. He's completely straight, which really hurts. And the fact that he picks in me for being gay, I'm sure of it, that means he's never going to be. If he ever found out, he'd kill me. And burn the remains in sulfuric acid to make sure no one ever finds them. But if I go missing, the only people who would ever notice are my brothers and adoptive father.

        The knot reforms as more thoughts flood my mind and I see Casey walk over to me, his hockey clique striding beside him. "Hey freak," he snaps lifting me out of my seat, having me stand. I freeze as he and his gang overlook me up and down. "Yeah, he's small enough," he says after a minute. His friends agree. I arch an eyebrow, "Small enough for what?" I suddenly regret asking the question, I probably don't want to know. "To fit," he says simply, "we found a trash bin out there, we wanted to see how well you'd get in." He grabs my wrist, pulling me with them. I go with them, petrified, yet blushing lightly.

        Finally, we reach it, and my brain seems to process what we're doing now. I look at the dark olive colored plastic bin, realizing the size. "I'm not that small!" I protest, slightly offended. "Oh look! It can talk!" one of them spat. He doesn't seem too bright. I was literally just talking a few minutes ago. I give him a pointed look. Casey smacks the back of his head, then whispers something in his ear. "Hey!" he exclaims at Casey as he cracks up laughing. I chuckle lightly at the offense in his eyes. "That is not funny!" he exclaims. It was kinda funny. Casey looks at me, and I clamp my mouth shut. He clears his throat, signaling the others to stop laughing. He comes closer to me, lifting me up from under my arms. Our faces are just a few centimeters away from each others. I blush a little deeper, silently begging and pleading that they don't notice. My eyes meet his, the top of our heads lining up. "Look down, freak" he says sternly. I swallow hard, then obey. A huge vertical gap is between my feet and the ground. "That's eight inches of space right there," he continues, his eyes never leaving my face. He throws me to the ground, my back sliding across the pavement for a brief second. That's the only thing that breaks my trance, bringing my eyes to his, almost looking red with hatred. "You're short," he points out.

        I hold back cries of agony from the drop, as they take the chance to put me in. As they throw me in, my back slides against the wall of the bin, intensifying the pain. I bite my bottom lip as I hold back another yelp. I also land on my arm, causing more pain. I'm crouched down at the bottom of it. I look up, seeing them all high-5 each other. Casey looks down for a brief second, sending me an apologetic look. One of them lean down, then comes back up, having something to Casey. The lid. He puts it over, and probably puts something heavy over it to prevent me from getting out. I hear something get put on the lid, and I see it sink a little under the weight.

        I hear their footsteps become more and more distant as they walk away. I know I should be worried about getting out, but all I can think about is the look in his eyes. That quick glimpse of an apologetic look in his hazel eyes. Could there be a chance? Could he possibly like me back? Does he want to do everything he does to me? These questions, and more, flood my mind. It stays occupied for a while, I almost didn't notice the lid being opened and a single figure standing above. With the exact same, soft, apologetic eyes.

Author's Note: Sorry if it sucked a little. I tried. Nobody's perfect. This would have published sooner, but I didn't have WiFi since Friday night. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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