Hangover (AU)

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Author's Note: They're still 15 and 17, by the way. Just watching my friend and my sister acting drunk gave me the idea of this. Enjoy!

        Casey woke up on the floor with a throbbing headache. The lights were blinding to him with his blurred vision. Once his vision clears up enough, he sees Raph still unconscious on the floor, his face slightly green and his firetruck-red hair sticking up in all directions. He hears a masculine voice, sounding very distant. He turns, facing up. He sees Leo through his fuzzy vision. His vision becomes clear, as does his hearing. Leo towers him, since he's still laying on the floor. His face is bright red in anger. "Get up!" he snaps. He looks over, seeing Raph woke up. His face was draining the color as he threw up on the floor. He laid back down, keeping his head away from what he just let out. He now stands up, obeying his friend's brother. He was not in the mood to argue right now. He held his head to keep balance, still with a migraine. Leo stares him right in the eye, his filled with fiery. "You too," Leo growls, pointing to his brother. His eyes never leave Casey's. Finally, as his younger brother trudges over, does he look at him. He doesn't look good at all. He's sickly pale, sweating with a light shiver, and can barely stand up---never mind walk.

        He leaned on Casey a little bit for balance, holding his head. "Why?!" he snaps at the idiots. They each arch an eyebrow. They look at each other, then back at Leo. "Why what?" they ask simultaneously. They both blush, light enough to give their faces visible color. He pinched the bridge of his nose, annoyed with the two. "We all told you NOT to go to the club, and you do it anyways. You both were acting like you need mental help when you came home and you smell like alcohol!" he shouts. They look at the floor, ashamed. "And," he continues, "April sent pictures." Their eyes widened, faces turning crimson. Leo pulls out his phone, scrolling through for the pictures. The first one was the two of them on a stool at the bartender, the rims of their shot-glasses touching. The next one was the two with a lot of other people dancing like total idiots. The third was the two making out, the kiss they were in quite heated. The last was then making out again, but a bit different. They were in a darker room, Casey's hips slammed against Raph's while both were shirtless. In fact, the only thing they were wearing were their boxers. He put his phone down. In ask four pictures, it didn't look like they were sober at all. The two were deep red to the base of their necks, looking down at the floor. They quickly looked at themselves to see if they were dressed. That's when they realized they still had no shirt on. Raph glanced over at Casey's chest, blushing deeper. A thought hits them hard as they realize what he said. "Wait a minute," Casey says, suspiciously, "and why was April there?" A smirk reaches their faces as they think they have him. He smirks back, "Since I don't trust you two enough, I sent April to make sure you didn't go, but if you did, then to tell me everything." His smile fades and continues to bark at them. "You're fifteen and seventeen!" he goes on. "Yeah," Raph interrupts, "old enough that you don't need to mother us, Fearless." He glares at his nickname as his younger brother smirks back. He rolls his eyes, then walls away from them. The two smile triumphantly. Raph's smile fades quickly as another memory hits him from last night. His face turns bright red of embarrassment, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. Casey looks over, noticing his sudden feverish behavior. "What's wrong?" he asks, highly concerned. "I just remembered something," he said quickly, "something from last night." Casey started to get very nervous, afraid that something was wrong. He sighs before telling him. "Remember last week when I had a cold, you suggested I should take care of it but I didn't and it ended up a little worse?" he said quickly, now regretting the decision of defining the offer. He nods, "Yeah, you were nearly on to a fever, why?" He swallows hard before continuing, "I did reach a fever. The day before yesterday." Casey gets a little graduated that he wouldn't tell him this, and asks him why he didn't. He shrugs, "I just really wanted to go with you. It seemed like a lot of fun, and I just...didn't want to miss out. Besides, I never told my brothers, either." Casey pinches the bridge of his nose. "Is this supposed to be going somewhere?" he asks, looking up. He nods, looking at the floor. "Then what are you trying to say?" he asks, annoyed. He bit his bottom lip, afraid of what his reaction would be, "I was sober all night."

Author's Note: That's right I'm a jerk. I have two more in the process, I'm hoping both would be up sometime by New Years Day. By the way, there is yet another one-shot book for Rasey, by DJ_Galaxy. Hers are a little different from mine and Fus_Ro_Dah's, but they're still good. Sorry if it sucked a little bit.

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