Part 8

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Mega's Pov

How did Jake know? He could be a shipper but I doubt it, he was way too certain about it. If it's one the people we told, then good thing I put a fake number. I'm so glad that I was skeptical, I mean, what would have happened if I had told them my real name and they recognized me. Skeppy would be ruined, I care about him even though he has air for a brain. I just realized I haven't been on Invaded for a whole week, I've had so much to worry about.

I got to work on Invaded, it was two weeks until the server reset, but I wanted to keep it as neat as possible. Oh great, Skeppy just got online, he's gonna wreak havoc on the server. I felt my heart jump a beat as I saw another name, it was Zelk. I didn't know why I felt this way about him, we had soulmates, crushes were worth nothing. I felt a voice in my head say maybe he's your soulmate, you shouldn't lose hope. I shut the voice down. I knew it was worth nothing, the world wasn't made to be good.

I watched Zelk try to teach Skeppy how to troll players without destroying the map. I felt slightly jealous that it wasn't me that he was teaching but I ignored it. After fourteen minutes everyone got banned for spam thanks to Skeppy, who really wanted people to say fourteen. Skeppy then logged off disappearing to who knows where. I started manually unbanning all the people who got kicked for spam and Zelk joined me. We quickly finished it off then started doing our jobs on the server. After a long day of work, I grabbed my phone and texted Jake.


I am honestly wondering how you know that Skeppy and BBH are soulmates


I guess I can tell you just don't spread it around

I found out when Finnster blurted it out by accident

I was online with almost everyone in the IDots SMP and he typed in into the chat intending for only Vurb to read it


Oh okay I wasn't going to spread it anyways

Also, what is your youtube name?




Well it's getting late where I am

I should go to sleep soon ttyl



I can't believe my soulmate is Zelk. It has to be him, only Vurb, TapL, Finn, Zelk, and A6d were on at the time, I have watched the video Finn posted, you can tell he cut out a large part of his video but right before that it shows who is on. I still don't feel comfortable telling him who I am though. 

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