Chapter 9

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The twins had taken it upon themselves to show Alice every secret passageway they new of while recounting stories of their past successes.

They were just passing a statue of an Granian Winged Horse when Alice stopped them. "What about that one?" She asked, pointing towards the statue.

The twins turned to look at her simultaneously. "Little Alice, are you trying to say that you know of a secret passageway that we don't?"

"I have to say that's rather bold of you, but if you have a talent for this sort of thing, we'd love to know." George finished.

Alice hummed quietly in thought before approaching the statue. She reached an arm up, running it across the feathers of it's left wing, until she found what she was looking for. A single feather, slightly raised with a harsher groove around it to the others. Throwing a victorious smirk over her shoulder to the twins who were watching her curiously, she pressed it hard.

She then stood back as she watched the statue lift one of its front legs and the floor beneath the leg disappear.

She grinned at the shocked expressions of the twins. "Up for a little adventure boys?"

They both nodded frantically back. "You," began Fred, "are officially our new favourite person." George nodded along in agreement as he climbed down the gap in the floor.


Harry sat patiently in his seat for the remaining Slytherin to join the common room. The prefects on the stairs seemed less patient as they fidgeted uncontrollably with a mixture of excitement and trepidation on their faces.

Eventually they spoke, "As many of you know, Slytherin has a different social construct the other houses. Usually there are hierarchies that form themselves and are generally accepted. But every so often a Court of Slytherin is formed. These are rare due to Slytherin itself having to agree with the choice and many times they will reject a candidate. Today, however, a King of the Court has been appointed."

Harry hadn't heard of this before and as usual, Slytherin politics were kept very secret. He appreciated them filling him in on what he missed as well as what seemed to be an attempt at building tension.

"The last Court was formed over 50 years ago, with the previous one having been formed over 100 years before that. A Court is comprised of the King or Queen, who then picks their most loyal to become their Court. The rest of Slytherin house must follow their rulings and show them respect at all times else the Court act as they see fit to "fix" the issue."

"The King is chosen as someone who exemplifies the Slytherin values; cunning, sly, ambitious, powerful, resourceful, and a true leader. Slytherin indicates their choice by adding a name to the plaque of the King's Chambers. A name has appeared. Once the King has accepted their position, they may begin making rulings and selecting their Court. As we all know, being chosen as part of the Court is a tremendous honour and sets the recipient down the path the greatness."

"The chosen King, is Harry Potter."

The room went silent, all heads facing Harry. Leisurely he stood from his chair. "The first 3 members of the Court are decided: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott. Additions may be made later but that is the start. Everyone should meet here tomorrow morning before breakfast to hear the first rulings." With that, he dismissed the room. Many turned to excited conversation while some headed to their dorms to escape the copious amounts of people.

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