Chapter 5

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"I just don't get it Peeves! How is it you know me but nobody else does? Surely if we can break the physics of space and time once, we can do it again with someone else." She sighed as she leant against the wall, considering sitting down on the floor to save more energy.

"I don't know Malice, but you're thinking too much. It hurts my brain more than it hurts yours." She rolled her eyes at him, slumping down to the floor.

She handed him a water balloon from her bucket. "3rd year, 2 corridors east, late to charms."

He happily took his weapon, zooming down the hallway. "Be right back munchkin!"

Resting her head in her hands, she ran through her thoughts. She blocked out the voice in the back of her head, still not over the incident from the night before. So she had to do her own thinking and was now struggling. She couldn't block off the voice, but she could ignore it. Although she didn't completely ignore it so that she could help Peeves on his tyrannical mission, despite how it was counterintuitive to what she wanted to achieve. But after the voice had turned evil again, she grew wary of it and listening too much to it. She hoped it would die down again (as it had before) but now she was preparing for a few rough days of thinking rather than knowing.

Truthfully, she didn't have a problem with thinking despite how it was harder. Sometimes she wanted to think but she wasn't given the choice. She couldn't truly think, not with the voice always there and always trying to talk to her. And the more she ignored it, the louder it called. It would get louder and louder until she couldn't hear the real world through the screams.

And then it would stop. Her mind would go silent and all she could hear was the blood pumping in her ears. No thoughts. Just deafening silence.

A few days later and then she would hear a voice. A singular thought. Usually just a quick answer to a question. From that point, it would continue to build until it was back to normal and it was like nothing had ever happened.

Every time it had happened, she prayed for it to be the last, but as last night proved, she couldn't escape it. Sometimes she wondered what life would be like if the voice had never been there in the first place. But it was, so there was nothing she could do about it and it wouldn't do her any good to dwell on thoughts like those. Besides, always being right was something she enjoyed.

"You keep frowning like that and you're going to look older than Dumbley before you know it." Alice's head shot up at Peeves' voice. "Do you want to know my trick for never aging?"

"Not being alive." She struck back with a blank look.

"That and annoying the caretaker. Going stress-free. And that is why we're going to go do some pure, mindless, vandalism." He entwined his hands behind his heads as he lay back in the air.

Alice gave him a cheeky grin. "I could do with some mindless."

Peeves cackled before winding down the hall, calling for Alice to keep up.


Sirius ran down the corridor, glancing quickly over his shoulder to catch the stern glare on McGonagall's face as she paced after him quickly. He took a sharp corner, belting out loud laugh.

He searched the corridor as he sprinted down it, knowing McGonagall wasn't far behind. 'Empty classroom, empty classroom, empty cl- Merlin, Remus, where is it?' And then he saw his saving grace, and without checking it first, he dived through the door, closing the door slowly with a soft click so as to hopefully evade capture.

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