Chapter 22

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Warning: there will be mentions of Luther and what he's like so if want to avoid that, I recommend skipping from Alice arriving at McGonagall's office until the end of that section; the —————. As said, I am always open to talk if anyone wants about themes mentioned or anything


Alice had managed to keep her high spirits as she skipped through the school after her baking session with Harry. She soon grew tired of that, however, realising just how for McGonagall's office was from the kitchens and found herself walking slowly, kicking at the stone flooring beneath her as she walked. She was still in a good mood, but just tired.

And due to her not watching her surroundings, she found herself bumping into someone she had actually been meaning to talk to. She apologised quickly, daring to look into her dark eyes before she diverted her eyes to the floor as she felt her face grow hot. "Hey Pansy."

"Hey Alice." Pansy tilted her head at the girl, catching a glimpse of her growing blush and grinning slightly at the effect she had on her. Glancing down, she saw her ring displayed proudly on Alice's hand and felt her smile grow more. She gingerly took her hand, kissing her on the knuckles in perfect pureblood etiquette, looking straight into her eyes. "I didn't think you could get any more beautiful, but with my ring and that blush, it seems I have achieved the impossible."

Alice's eyes grew wide at her words, her face turning an even darker shade than possible. "Thank you for the ring Pansy, but it's really too much. You really didn't have to get me anything. And this seems very expensive."

Pansy scoffed lightly, "Cost doesn't matter. What does matter is getting a girl like you something worthy of her. Anything less would be an insult." She shook her head quickly, her hair settling perfectly around her face again. "But enough on that. I was going to go to the library if you'd like to join."

"Umm, well, funny story. I'm sorta banned from the library at the moment." Taking in Pansy's questioning look, she hastily added, "It's nothing major. Just a little misunderstanding to do with a giant eel in the astronomy section." The look didn't leave Pansy's face, but a hint of amusement appeared behind her eyes. "It's a story for another time. Besides, I have a meeting with McGonagall about her burning my post."

Pansy's lips twitched up slightly at Alice's phrasing of it. "If I remember correctly, you were the one to set it on fire first." A slight frown (that Alice felt was did not belong) came across Pansy's face. She gently reached out, holding Alice's arm. "Are you alright? I know it's not my place but I just wanted to make sure you were fine. Setting letters on fire doesn't seem like the usual practice."

Pansy's eyes danced between Alice's, checking her for anything she could pick up on. "Yeah I'm fine. Well, I will be once I'm done with this meeting with McGonagall. It appears we both have a flair for dramatics."

Seeing the lie and worry that Alice tried to hide, Pansy rubbed her arm soothingly, watching as her shoulders relaxed slightly. "I'll let you get it over with then. If you want to talk, just come and find me."

They exchanged a last look before Pansy stepped out of the way for Alice to pass. She quickly waved goodbye before disappearing around the corner.

She arrived at the witch's office slightly later than she had earlier been asked in a note, but couldn't really bring herself to care. She knocked quickly, entering after she was invited.

Taking the seat opposite the severe woman, she found herself fidgeting in place as she awaited her telling off for "being careless" or "having no regard for other's safety."

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