Part 2 - Chapter 1

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The beginning of a new school year meant many things for Sirius Black, but more than anything, it meant he was free. He'd spent the summer locked away with no communication with the outside world, but now he was free; he could do what he liked, talk to who he liked, and not give a damn about the consequences.

Beside him was Remus while James and Peter sat on the opposite bench. But he wasn't paying attention to them; across the hall sat his younger brother, Regulus. As of last night, Regulus was a Slytherin and the family couldn't be happier. But to him, it still stung in his heart. Regulus was his little brother, not by much but still his younger brother who he had watched grow up but would remain a baby in his eyes.

He had watched him grow, but he had seen how he grew in the clutches of a family that don't know the meaning of the word. As he grew, their mother would sink her claws in deeper and deeper and while you couldn't tell, she was slowly squeezing the life out of him. She was taking away what made him Regulus.

But now, he sat in the halls of Hogwarts where he was supposed to be free, but even then could not escape. He had filled his position as the perfect Black son and wore the green robes with pride. And yet an eternal longing sat behind his eyes whenever he caught a sight of red and gold, and Sirius would mourn alongside him.

They were brothers, always and purely, nothing could tear them apart, no matter how the world would try. Sirius knew from the moment his baby brother was born that he would do anything for him. From the moment Regulus opened his eyes and met the smiling face of Sirius, he knew he would do anything for him.

From the moment they first chased each other around in the garden with sticks pretending to duel, Regulus knew he would always look up to his older brother.

From the moment their mother first tore them apart when she saw them acting like children, Sirius knew he would always protect his baby brother.

From the moment Sirius first argued back against their mother, Regulus knew his older brother would always protect him.

From the moment Regulus first sent Kreacher to heal Sirius, he knew he would do it a thousand times over for his baby brother.

From the moment they were destined to exist, they knew they were brothers, always and purely.

But when Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor, all he could think of was his freedom, while all Regulus knew was that he was losing a brother. Then Regulus was a Slytherin and Sirius knew he would be safe from their parents, but Regulus only saw them as the opposite sides of a colour wheel.

Their eyes met across the hall and Regulus offered him a weak smile before being pulled back into a conversation with Barty Crouch Jr. Sirius' eyes lingered, remembering how they would stay up late when they were younger, dreaming of their Hogwarts days; how far they had come since then, and how much things had changed.

The snapping of fingers in front of his face brought him back to the present and the noises of the hall filled his ears. Around him, his friends looked at him in concern. "You alright mate?" James asked, trying to catch his eye.

He cleared his throat, smiling as widely as he could. "Yeah, just trying to work out how much I beat you by in the end of year tests."

"Oh is that how you want to play it, Black?" James asked, a cocky smile overtaking his features. He knew not to press his friend too much so decided to leave it for now.

"That's how I'm playing it, Potter, and how I'm winning it." Sirius responded, equally as confident.

James pushed himself up from his seat. "Let's play then."

Sirius was soon standing opposite him. "Let's play."

"Sit down and eat your food, both of you, now." The exasperated voice of Remus Lupin cut through their competition, both of them doing as they were told immediately.

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