Chapter 15

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Alice instantly collapsed onto the sofa in the common room once she had escaped Dumbledore. Laying across the sofa, she found her head in James' lap while her legs were across Sirius. "God, that was exhausting." She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut.

"What happened?" James asked, adjusting to her weight on him.

"Dumbledore." She answered plainly before noticing the silence that filled her answer and opened her eyes, elaborating, "He called me up to his office to catch up after my more than spectacular arrival."

"I wouldn't call mash potatoes spectacular." Sirius commented only to get Alice's sock clad foot in his face.

"It was spectacular." Alice repeated, removing her foot from where Sirius was desperately trying to free his face from it.

"So why was that so bad?" Peter questioned from the armchair beside them.

"Have you tried holding a conversation with the man? It's like a game of mental chess with lots of snack breaks. And I'm terrible at chess."

"It's true," Remus agreed from the other armchair, "she is terrible at chess."

Alice shot him finger guns in return while James added, "You can't be that bad."

"Oh no, I am seriously the worst."

"No I'm Sirius-"

"She's horrific."

"Thank you Remus, my man. RIP Barrimus Artiluris LeHorsey."

"Rest in peace, brave soldier."


"He deserved better but D2 could not save him."

"I almost felt bad about taking him."

"We shall all miss him."

Both Remus and Alice bowed their heads in a moment of silence for the horse who gave it all but to no avail; a veteran who gave his long and fruitless life defending his king, only for the flag to still fall. A white Knight taken by his only worthy opponent: a queen of righteous power but the blackest of hearts. Barrimus Artiluris LeHorsey, taken too soon, gone but never forgotten.

"Right, so now that that weirdness is over-" James started, only for Alice to flick him in the nose at his disrespect for the moment.

"What we're trying to say is that the boys and I have done some hard thinking using serious (not the me type of Sirius though) words and discussions and we have come to the decision to let you in on our biggest secret." Sirius continued, smirking over at where James was scowling down at the girl across his lap while rubbing his nose in pain.

"Really?" Alice asked, sitting up straight quickly so that she was no longer over James but her legs remained over Sirius.

"Oh yeah." Sirius nodded. He motioned to Alice and she sat up even further so that Sirius could whisper in her ear, "Remus is a werewolf."

Alice frowned at him as she leaned back into a more comfortable position where she wasn't practically folded in half. "But I already knew that."

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