Chapter 18

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Warning: there will be mentions of gore later on. There will also be abuse at the end of the chapter so when it mentions her coming home after Harry dropped her off, you might want to skip from there to the end if you find that triggering. I don't mean to upset anybody and if anyone ever wants to talk about that or anything, my messages are always open to you. Stay safe my lovelies


Of course Mrs Brown knew Alice was returning for the holidays but she was still late to pick her up. Alice had waited almost an hour before she turned up in the old, rundown, little junk box she calls a car. Alice set her suitcase in the trunk and Russell's cage with him inside in the back seat. Before she got in herself, she faced the sky where a storm seemed to be brewing, silently praying for mercy on the ride back to her old home; Hogwarts was her home now and nothing could change that. Just as the last thought left her head, she felt a drop of rain against her cheek and she threw up a middle finger to the sky, taking it as a message that she shall be punished for her crimes. Which crimes, she was unsure of as she believed she was adorable and loveable. She mouthed a "fuck you" to the sky before she got in the car.

"Oh Alice, dear, it's so great to see you again. The place really hasn't been the same without you around!" Alice sighed, already knowing her doom. She planted her head in her hands but just as she did, the sky broke loose and it began pouring down with rain, shaking the unstable car. She groaned into her hands as her torture only just began. 'You're doing this for Dani. You're doing this for Dani. You're doing thi-' she continued repeating in her head. "And Luther, the poor boy, was so ecstatic to hear you were coming home for Christmas. Little dear tried to get me to bring him with." A car horn blared behind them causing Mrs Brown to nearly jumped out of her seat, clutching a had to her heart. "Oh my. Silly me, we're still stopped in the middle of the road. We should probably get going; get you home as soon as possible."

Alice sighed again, banging her head against the dashboard. She was about to go again for her 14th attempt at getting a concussion when she noticed a new stain on the dashboard, near the door. Of course she had blocked out Mrs Brown's rambling so this was the most excitement she would get. Especially as she wasn't sure if it was ketchup or blood and she secretly prayed for the latter, coming up with all sorts of stories in her head about how it could have gotten there, leading her to now be very concerned Mrs Brown was in fact an alien taking over her body. Needless to say, she rushed out of the car as soon as they pulled to a stop.

Entering the doors, she was almost knocked over with the power of the hug she received from a small ball of cuteness. "Never leave me again." Alice laughed as she hugged her back, realising now it would all be worth it for her little Dani.

"I missed you too, Sweetie." Looking down at her, she saw how she had grown slightly and she could have sworn her aura had also grown, but having been surrounded by witches and wizards the past few months to now being back in the muggle world, she couldn't be sure.

Lifting Russell in his cage, she brought him in front of Dani, "Sweetie, there's someone I want you to meet. This is Russell."

Dani was shocked by the owl for a moment, just staring, before finally jumping into life, squealing and aww-ing at the bird. She turned to Alice as she turned back to her serious facade, "Russell?" Alice hummed in acknowledgement. Dani shrugged at her, "I can see it, but personally, I would have gone with Molson."

Alice clapped her hands together. "Molson was my second choice! But really, this beautiful specimen seems to be more of a Russell to me."

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