Chapter 3

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The next morning, Alice was surprised to find Lily still lying next to her. She was then met with the questioning looks of all the other girls as they stood at the end of her bed. She felt uncomfortable under all their stares so went for the customary, "Hi?"

"Is she dead?" Marlene replied cautiously, gesturing with her head to where Lily slept obliviously.

Alice frowned at the question, but to get over their looks, pressed 2 fingers to her neck and felt her steady pulse. "Alive."

All of the girls seemed very confused at the statement. "Maybe she took a potion?" Dorcas shrugged.

"No, our dear Lily finally slept like a normal person." Alice Fortescue decided with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What are you all on about?" Alice asked as Lily turned over, yawning and stretching as she did.

"Happy 7:00." She said tiredly as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"It's 7:09, Lily." Marlene corrected as she raised an eyebrow at the girl.

Lily shot up. "WHAT?" She screeched. She ran across the room to her bed, looking at her clock to confirm the statement. "How?" She asked shocked as she ran a hand through her unnaturally smooth red hair. "I always get up at exactly 7:00, this is impossible!"

"We know Lily, we're just as shocked as you." Mary said, trying to calm the erratic girl down.

The frantic redhead turned her steely eyes to the other redhead in the room. "You! I bet you did this!"

Alice was frankly shocked at the morning display and had no idea how to react. So, as was her normal reaction to any situation was to either try to brush it off or ramble nonsense, she decided to stick to her routine. "I told you I was a cuddler."

A shriek escaped her as she barely managed to avoid the barrage of things Lily chucked at her in agitation.

Silence passed and she ducked her head out slowly from under her bed. Looking up, she made eye contact with Aideen who gave her a slight laugh before reaching out to help her out. She thanked her quickly before looking over to where the other girls were calming Lily down.

Taking their distraction, Alice snuck out, only Aideen noticing but Alice trusted her not to tell.


Alice sighed as she finally made it outside the Great Hall. She had been getting weird looks all day and considering it was still morning, Alice was not in the mood for it. Normally she was alright with it - "rather be the bitch they're talking about than the bitch that's talking" - but Alice decided that only applied when it wasn't the morning. Mornings were definitely the worst time of the day and that was just a fact.

But alas, she wasn't safe yet, especially when a young blonde in silver and green robes with a calculating look in her eye approached her. She held out her hand and put on her best fake smile. "Rita Skeeter, it is a pleasure to meet you miss Heart."

"Please call me Alice." She responded as nicely as possible but she could not deal with this right now.

"Well Alice, as the new student, you are the most talked about topic at the moment. Especially with that spectacular entrance. So I thought I would come and meet you, maybe even try to get to know the girl behind the fall from the ceiling. What do you say?" She had an excitable quality behind her but Alice could see she was just as sly as the rest of her house so she knew she had to play this carefully. Especially after having seen some of her future articles.

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