Chapter 11

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'So Remus Lupin is a werewolf? Huh. I guess that makes sense. Well I'm only thinking that for my ego. Yeah, there was a little suspicious stuff going on, but I didn't actually know. But I always have been slightly oblivious to these sorts of things. Change that to very oblivious. I guess that thing a few nights ago in the hospital wing makes sense now. Ha, evil, scheming, mastermind, professor Lupin is a werewolf. The same Remus Lupin who judges karaoke competitions, has a chocolate addiction, and wears oversized jumpers is a werewolf. Hehe, very funny-'

"Alice? Alice are you alright?" She snapped out of her staring at the wall at hearing Remus' voice.

"Yeah, sorry, just remembered something from earlier." She gave him a small smile.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Well are gonna keep keeping me awake or can I get back to sleep anytime soon?"

Her smile grew, hopping into the bed. She pulled the blankets up, revelling in the warmth. "Thanks Remus, you human heater."

"Shh, just sleep." He groaned tiredly, rolling over onto his front.

It wasn't long after that Alice heard his breathing out and assumed he was asleep.

'I've missed the point, the voice is back. If it's a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know. But all I can say is that lessons will be easier now. I'm gonna say it's for the better, but what do I know?'

And so, after deciding she really didn't know much, she enjoyed the heater that was Remus Lupin and finally managed to sleep. Not to forget that she also decided she'd be taking advantage of the fact that Remus was literally the warmest being on this Earth in the coming winter months.


Days had passed and Alice had heard nothing more from the voice. She'd almost convinced herself that she hadn't heard it and had imagined it, although the werewolf discovery was far too specific for Alice to have ever gotten there without the voice. Plus the fact that it may be correct.

To be completely honest, Alice thought it was awesome. Remus Lupin was a werewolf. W E R E W O L F. That was pretty cool. 1 night a month he became a wolf. An actual wolf. Then he'd go back to pretending he wasn't and be the most un-wolflike person she knew. Well actually Peter was because she could not imagine Peter doing anything even remotely violent.

And in reality, Remus wasn't too un-wolflike. Wolves were fiercely loyal, highly intelligent, and educated their young, which Remus basically did anytime he opened his mouth if you were to think of the rest of the group as his young. 'Momma Remus and his wolf cubs'. And now she was poking holes in her argument and Remus was becoming more wolfy with each thought.

Moral of the story: it was very cool.

But do you know what's not very cool? A voice that's always been in the back of your head going haywire, popping up for 1 word and then disappearing again for the next 2 days, and now having a quiz in DADA. Very not cool.

And yet here she was, 5 seconds away from a breakdown. 'First thing's first: Write your name at the top. Oh god. I can't do this. Does it want just my first name? What about my last name? Or all my middle names? Maybe it's a trick question. Yeah it's a trick question. I'll just put Remus John Lupin and then I can't fail.'

'Just put your own name. First and last. You really can't function without me.'

Alice's head perked up at the sound of her own voice answering her breakdown. 'You're back. And with attitude.'

Harry Potter and the Cursed Heart ~discontinued~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora