She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and then said "Alright, come over on this side, you know what to do".I nodded giving her a smile smile, and went behind the desk.

I pressed the button for the PA system and said "Attention students of Riverdale High. I, Cheryl Blossom as your Student Body President, have an important announcement to make. As some of you have saw today, my stomach looks bigger than it did, a few months ago. No, I am not fat, for I am always fit and gorgeous. Okay the point is, I want to let you all know that I am pregnant". I heard the office lady gasp, but I rolled my eyes and continued with the announcement.

"Yes, you heard that right, I have a baby inside of me. Before all of you judge, no I did not cheat on my girlfriend and get pregnant by some random boy. This baby is hers, just as it is mine. If you have an issue, then please just keep it to yourself. We both don't need any of your negative energy. If any of you dare speak to Toni Topaz in a disgusting way, I swear you'll feel the wrath of a true Blossom. Thank you all for listening to this special announcement, now Toodles!!". I released the button to the PA system, and then looked at Ms.Peterson who looked shocked.

"Thanks for letting me use the PA system Ms.Peterson" I told her with a smile. "I-um your welcome Ms.Blossom. Congratulations on your pregnancy". I gave her a genuine smile, and then said bye to her as I made my way to the cafeteria. Of course I got stares as I walked in the hallway, but I just glared at all of them.

I finally reached the cafeteria, and made my way to our usual table. I sat down next to Toni, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey baby, I heard your announcement, and that was nicee" Toni told me.

I nodded my head and then said "They were all gonna figure it out either way. And I was getting annoyed with the stares and questions". She nodded her head, and then pointed to the other side of the table. I saw Veronica, Betty, Kevin, and Heather smirking at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and said "You guys can come and feel it". They squealed and got out of their seats, as I did the same. First we did a group hug, and then they all got a turn to feel my baby bump.

"It's like a cute small lump" Betty squealed. "It's so cuteee Cheryll" Veronica and Kevin whined out. I giggled and then rubbed my stomach while smiling. "Woww so you and Toni are really bringing a new life into the world" Heather said amazed. I nodded my head and said "It may not have been the perfect time, but I'm glad that we could start out little family". They all awed and I blushed saying "Guyss stop ittt".

Heather pinched my cheek saying "Look at you blushing because of Toniii". I slapped her hand away and rolled my eyes playfully. "Girl please, leave me be" I told her as she laughed. "So you're really excited about the baby aren't you" Kevin asked me.

"I really can't wait for him or her to pop out. I know it's gonna be a pain in the ass, but it'll be worth it. And I'm pretty sure you and veronica are more excited than I am".

Veronica and Kevin looked at each other and smirked and gave each other a high five. I shook my head and said "You two are so weird". They shrugged and then I felt my stomach grumble. "Alright let's sit back down, cause I'm hungry as fuck" I grumbled out, getting annoyed now.

They all nodded and sat down, and I sat next to Toni. She slid over two bags of Pops to me, and I smiled widely. I grabbed her face and gave her a kiss, and then clapped my hands excitedly.

"Someone's happy" Toni said as she hugged me from the side, and laid her head on my shoulder. I nodded and took a huge bite out of my bacon burger. I sighed and then wrapped one arm around Toni's neck, as I continued eating. While eating, Toni and I were telling the others all about our baby, until the bitch came up to us.

"Heyy Tonii" Christine said while twirling her hair. I snapped my fingers and said "Hello bitch, what am I? Casper the ghost? I don't like your ass, but at least greet me". She rolled her eyes and said "Well hello to you whore".

Tough Times (Choni)Where stories live. Discover now