21 - A Walking Cliché

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     At her question, Misaki gave her a confused look. "What? Of course, I like him. He's my best friend."

     "As in more than a friend."

      Misaki went silent immediately, leaning against the cold metal of the locker. There seemed to be a rather resigned look on her face. "Is it that obvious?"

      Well then. Yuki hadn't expected this answer. "A little bit. Do you have a crush on him, senpai?"

      Misaki groaned, turning and pressing her head against the locker. "I'm in way too deep to call it a crush. I'm pretty sure I love him. Stupid me. Stupid, idiotic me."

      Yuki walked close to her, placing a hand on her back. "You're not stupid, Misaki-senpai. I think you're just confused. Maybe you just go find him and talk. And just ask him why he's avoiding you."

      "Should I just be straightforward then? With good old Stubbornkawa?

       'Stubbornkawa? That's new.' Shaking her head, Yuki patted Misaki's back. "Yes, yes, that should work. I'm sure he'll listen to you. Or you can always scare him into listening to you."

       Misaki snickered softly. "Maybe."

       Yuki smiled at her. Squeezing her arms, she added, "Go now, senpai. There's still like forty minutes left for the break to end. Just use it to find him. You have time."

      "Yeah, okay. I'll do that."

      (God bless Yuki Nohara's existence.) (Misaki will have to treat her to ice-cream later on.)

      Misaki found him easily

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      Misaki found him easily. A little too easily, actually. Sometimes, she thought that she had an inbuilt Oikawa radar, which would always know where he was. She was unlucky (or lucky maybe) that way. "Oikawa, wait!" She called out to the boy, who had started retreating down the empty corridor the moment he had seen her. Even Iwaizumi was not with him. That was strange. "Hey, stop and listen!"

     Oikawa was practically speed-walking away. So he was avoiding her. That hurt a lot. What had she even done that was making him ignore her like that? As far as she remembered, she hadn't really said an unkind word to him in the past week; all she had done was join in on Makki, Mattsun and Iwa teasing him, which was a usual thing. Surely, he wasn't affected by those. Then why...

     "Fine!" Misaki said, huffing in anger. "Don't talk to me. See if I care anymore!"

      Misaki stopped following him and turned on her heels, walking away. It was almost pointless trying to make his stubborn ass listen and she almost hated herself for trying. It was pointless, yet it hurt really bad. There was still half-an-hour left before practice would begin again. 'I'll just cry my eyes out in the bathroom. And forget about ever telling him a thing.'

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