Once Upon a Dream

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I walked down the road, heading for the stop where the bus was already waiting for me. Sprinting across, I did not notice the car rushing towards me, until it was too late.
My eyes widened, instinctively clenching shut and I put my hands out in front of me, just as the loud screech of tires on asphalt pierced the quiet morning atmosphere.

I barely had the time to open my eyes and realize I was okay, when arms grasped me firmly by my shoulders and tore me away from the middle of the street. The next second I was enveloped tightly in warmth and a comfort I had been deprived of for so long that I had forgotten how it felt.

"Oh my God! Aylin? Are you okay?"

Her caramel eyes were narrowed in worry as she looked me over before hugging me again.

"Don't ever do that again."

I nodded, wrapping my own arms around her frame that was larger than mine.

"Yes mommy. I'm sorry."
My voice was different, more softer, higher, more..... childish.

She broke free of the embrace, staring at me and I saw the wetness glistening on her pale cheeks.

"I won't always be there to protect you."

All of a sudden, I was looking down at her as she lay on a hospital bed. A weak smile stuck on her face, and I found myself gripping tightly onto her hand that was growing colder with each second.


I couldn't comprehend the fright that heavily coated my tone or the clenching of my chest as my heart began to pick up its pace.

"Take care, Aylin. I love you." She spoke again, sounding impossibly fragile.

"What are you saying mom? What is happening?"

I barely registered the trembling of my body, frantically trying to hold onto her hand as the bed somehow grew out of reach.

"No. Where are you going? Don't-" I choked. "Don't leave me."

A single tear spilled out the corner of her eye, vanishing into her hairline.

"You'll see me again." She uttered in a whisper I barely heard.

I shook my head, falling to my knees as I clawed for her again, only to hit an invisible barrier.

"No, please no. Mommy, don't."

Her form blurred, but the sadness was evident in her watery gaze.

"I promise." She smiled. "When it's your time, you'll see me."

"No! Don't do this to me!" I pleaded. "Don't go."

Erratic and sobbing, I slammed my fists against the barrier, vision blackening as I tried to make out her form in the emerging darkness.

"Mom? Mom! Where are you?" I cried, banging the wall with renewed force.

"Mommy? Come back!"

A sense of hysteria took over me. "No! Mom! Please!"

The pleads fell past my lips in rapid succession blending into a blubbering mess. My hands began to bleed until red stained the glass, yet I didn't acknowledge the pain.


The scream ripped my throat. The glass shattered and my eyes were wrenched open.


I sat up with a gasp, heart thundering painfully.
My throat felt raw and constricted and my chest ached with the memory of the dream.

"Miss. Salvatore?"

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