The Alien Invasion

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I belted at the top of my lungs as I danced around the room.

It had been about two months since I had arrived in NYC and began my job at this dainty little cafe, above which I was given a room to stay in by my new boss.

Things were good.

I sang every other day, entertaining customers, and business was steadily improving. Not because of my performances, but because of the amazing food the cafe delivered, which was advertised by giving away free samples sometimes. This, along with me taking requests, there was always a good amount of people trickling in.

Willow hadn't shown up yet, which led me to believe he was still trying to find the Air Spirits. And even though he couldn't pester me about practicing my powers, I still did, learning a new trick every now and then, but nothing major.
Which, to be honest, bored me. Actually, my life always bored me, the same monotonous routine, the same scheduled duties, it was all so mundane. My only excitement was when I had found the stone and its aftermath that led me to Romania. Even that had lasted less than 3 days.

So now, here I was, on my day off, deciding to achieve momentary happiness by singing and dancing crazily. The walls were soundproof, so I had no fears of anyone hearing me.
Even though I did hear some thuds and noises, I ignored it as I cranked up the volume of my headphones.

My yelling was cut off as an ear piercing sound shook the room, and I whirled around, ripping off my headphones.

Instantly, I was greeted with a plethora of noises, coming through the windows which had somehow been shattered.
Howls and shrieks cut through the air accompanied with sounds of blasts, and tyres screeching on the asphalt. In frenzied horror, I sprinted towards the window to see what was going on.

"What the....." I trailed off, seeing the destruction and ruins below me.

Vehicles were smashed and damaged beyond repair. Street lights, poles and power lines lay broken across buildings with windows missing, and people were running around frantically to shelter themselves from the chaos around.

The hell is going on?!

My eyes traveled up and I stumbled back in disbelief at the sight.

A bright light shot up from a building ripping a literal hole in the sky, like a portal of some sort leading into a black void, which seemed like space. But that wasn't the most terrifying aspect. It was the mass of creatures flying through it before stretching out all across the blue sky, looking like specks in the distance.

I saw one of them coming nearer and I ducked, instincts kicking in. I heard them fly past the window, feeling the harsh wind left behind. I waited for a moment before cautiously peeking over the edge, looking down to see that the creature had landed in the street below, hopping off its battle ship, at least that's what I assumed it was.
I watched as it walked further a few steps before raising its hand, which held something, up. A second later a beam shot out of it setting a nearby car on fire. And at that sight, the gravity of the situation finally dawned on me.

We were being attacked by aliens.

You think?

I had no time to pay attention to my ever present sarcastic conscience as at that time a man dressed in all black stepped out onto the street from round a corner. The alien took notice of him, and lifted his weapon again. Before I could properly register what was happening and warn the person, the alien fell down with a thud.
Eyes widening, I moved my gaze to the man to see he had been joined by a woman with red hair, dressed similarly as him, with her hand raised that held a gun pointed forward.

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