Misguided Confrontation

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"Why are you laughing?!"

"..... She's crying."



It started as a normal day for me, or as normal as it could be when you have a ticking time bomb inside you that could erase an entire continent from existence.

But who cares for irrelevant, inconsequential details, right?

So, anyway, I woke up this afternoon since I didn't have to be a lab rat today, and I had the amazing idea to clean up and organize my room which was, well, not so usual.

Wait, let me rephrase that; it was outlandish. Unless there was the threat of an angry mother promising to rip my stuffed toys apart, I would never do something I so despised. 

Now don't get me wrong, I liked the idea of a neat, tidy and pretty space, but having to do all that work? I'd rather do one of Natasha's workout instead. 

Besides, what was the harm in having an unmade bed, a few dozen or so clothes and cups and bottles lying around? It wasn't like they were dirty either, I just forgot to fold the laundry sometimes until it eventually became a decent sized pile in one chair in the corner of the room. 

I didn't find the problem with that either, it made picking an outfit easier than if it were all inside that black hole of a closet. I swear I lost half of my socks and beanies in there. 

Anyway the point is, I did not like cleaning, be it any kind. But, for some reason I thought that if I served the sudden urge that had come over me to do the same, I'd regain some semblance of my lost sanity.

Which is probably why my mother shrieked when she found me, face mask on, sitting in the closet as I wiped the inside. 

"What is wrong with you?!"

Her sudden appearance did not have an effect on me.

"What is wrong with you?" I arched an unconcerned eyebrow. "Why do you look like you saw a monster chilling in the tub?"

Wide eyed, she sputtered. "Y- yo- you are-" 

"Aylin? Your daughter? Remember me?"

I probably shouldn't have been so sarcastic. 

She recovered quickly, narrowing her gaze at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Just thought I'd pay a visit to Narnia, y'know? Wanna come?"

Yep, I definitely deserved the smack I got later.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I whined, rubbing my head. "I'm cleaning my room. Like you always force me to."

"You never clean unless I blackmail you."

"Oh, so you admit to blackmailing your own child?"

She ignored that causing me to frown.

"Maybe I just didn't want my toys to undergo trauma at your hands."

"That's bullshit." 

A second later, the scowl on her face melted away, her voice becoming softer.

"Aylin, you're not acting like yourself."

"What do you mean? I'm fine."

"No, you're not." She reiterated. "And that's okay. You are taking this whole situation as well as you can but you know, you don't have to. You can stop pretending-"

"Mom, I don't want to talk about this." I cut in, picking a sweater to fold it.

She put a hand out, stopping me. "Aylin, it's not healthy to keep everything in and act as emotionless as you are."

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