What The Hell?

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The first thing I noticed as I flashed the torch of my phone around was the amount of dust and cobwebs littering the walls of the narrow pathway ahead.

"Hello?" I called out into the darkness, very much like the naive character who gets slaughtered in horror movies.

There was no response, obviously, as my voice echoed throughout the place, sounding squeaky and perfect for the sacrificial lamb. I shook my head to dislodge the paranoia creeping in.

Oh great, this is gonna be fun.

Pressing the sleeve of my shirt to my nose, I walked forward warily, deciding to do a little exploring in the new place I found myself in, the cryptic letter running through my mind. The air was stale and musty, the smell of old, rotting wood almost overpowering for my sensitive senses.

I stopped in my tracks when the tunnel suddenly branched off in three sections; left, right and straight.

"Typical" I muttered.

Rolling my eyes to myself, I decided to randomly head left. There was no sign of life, the place seemed like it had been abandoned since the ice ages.

Okay, that may have been a bit exaggerated, but you get the point.

I was becoming more and more convinced as I walked, that the letter was a prank, the person meaning to have me lost in the underground maze. So I had to keep track of where I was, if I wanted to successfully navigate my way around.

Halfway through the tunnel I was moving through, my ears picked up on a soft humming. I halted abruptly, turning a little and tilted my head. It seemed louder in the opposite direction of where I was originally going and I whirled around to face the opening I had come through. With a deep sigh, I began heading back, before coming to a stop at the place of the intersection again.

Straining to hear the bit of sound I encountered the whole of five minutes I'd been here, I closed my eyes as I turned around in a circle, trying to pinpoint the source.


I opened my eyes, gazing down the middle passageway. That was my best bet as to the location of the almost imperceptible hum. And after a moment of hesitation, I trekked onward.

The further I walked, the clearer the sound became, and the air around me seemed charged, as if thrumming with electricity. The tunnel was narrower than before, and the walls were almost coated with cobwebs, even the ground was uneven and rocky. This passage, I deduced, was probably the least used. It was barely completed in its construction. Whoever this way led to, I was surely going to be having words with them about planning good and believable pranks. I mean, this was clearly the work of an amateur.

At the end of my path was a single wooden door, looking like it was straight out of a tacky old movie and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Oh, wow. Real original" I mumbled dryly, before pushing it open.

Instantly, my vision was filled with a spectrum of light so painfully bright that I had to shield my eyes against its brunt. Taking a moment as they adjusted, I lowered my hand and looked up, squinting.

"Woah!" I breathed out in shock, putting away my phone, as I took in the scene in front of me.

The space I had entered was small and relatively bare, save for a rickety old stool placed right in the middle of everything. But that was not the the source of my amazement. Right above it sat an antique looking chest that was spurting out what seemed like a literal rainbow. Multitudes of colors surrounded the entire room making it look like I had stepped into a spectra.

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