A Stupid Mistake

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A.N: Is it me or do the first chapters always seem boring no matter how hard you try?
Well, I can at least guarantee that it gets better... soon. Enjoy!

Thank you for reading.

Let me just tell you kids a very important life lesson. One that I wished someone had taught me, the one which I learnt too late.

That is - Do not, under any circumstance, listen to a piece of paper telling you where to go. Especially if said piece of paper is a letter anonymously written, then passed to you via your boss.

Force your curiosity to the farthest cupboard of your mind (yes, the one with cobwebs all over it) and put a huge, fat lock on it.
Then shove a thick wooden slat between the handles. Then drag up a sofa against it, maybe even a bed. Maybe a sofa on a bed? Or maybe a be-

Sorry, I'll shut up. You get it. Alright.

The point is.....I'm just trying to stop you from a long life of suffering.
And no, I'm not being dramatic.
This forbidden knowledge that I have imparted to you, follow it, and you'll be safe. Or at least as much safe as you could be with all these otherworldly beings waging war on our tiny, unguarded planet...

But anyway, because I know most of you are stubborn little shits who just won't obey rules without properly knowing the consequences first, I've taken the utmost burden to share my story with you.

But be warned, it's not very pretty. In fact, it's like a whirlwind, a storm, a plethora of emotions. It's so drastically and tragically mise- you know what?

Let's just get on with it.


When I woke up, it was with a shrill scream. The blurred numbers on my phone cleared and I almost fainted with horror, shooting up from the bed as I ran to the bathroom.

Late, late, late. I'm so late!

The next few minutes were probably the fastest of my life. I brushed and washed, tugged and scratched, and after I was done, soon found myself dashing through the bustling roads of London. 

A hurried 'excuse me' left me as I weaved in through the crowds, expertly avoiding clashes with the unhappy folk before I finally burst into my work place, pausing to catch my breath.

"You're late." 

I jumped, startled at the sudden intrusion, eyes traveling up a lanky form to a handsome face. 

"Good Morning to you too, Aiden." I told him cheekily, grinning as he arched his brows.

"Morning Hazelnut." I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "Now c'mon, you've got an audience to entertain."

I was a singer at a bar, with Aiden being the son of the owner. It had been my fourth day at work, when he tried to prank me with the overused fake reptile thing, but surprisingly for him, I had only threw it back, barely even flinching. Since then, we had become companions of sorts, with him thinking I was his coolest ever friend, Lord knows why. He called me Hazelnut, because of my eye color which was, quite obviously, hazel. 

"Go on." 

I snapped out of my daze, walking quickly towards the small space that was considered as the stage. With a nod directed to Aiden, I grabbed the guitar that he held in his hands and walked up, instantly settling on the seat with the instrument lying comfortably across my lap. Looking up, I saw new customers gazing at me curiously while the old ones stared in anticipation. Not wanting to waste another minute, I drew in a breath before I began playing.

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