Worthy Of Life

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The spectre of a woman was seen in the dirty glass, half concealed by the fog and mist of the cold morning. Not that it mattered anyway. People couldn't perceive her unless she wished them to.

Her mind ran rampant with thoughts as she stood in front of the unpretentious structure, creating a hundred scenarios and expectations of what the meeting would bring.
And for the first time in a long while, Nesryn felt nervous.

With a low breath of recollection, she entered the building, passing straight through the walls and beyond.

She stopped, staring at the open space that was as familiar to her as her own self. Without her knowing, a small smile of remembrance pulled up her lips. After all, this was where she grew up.

"I wondered when you would come."

Nesryn closed her eyes for a moment, basking in the familiarity and warmth of the voice that had suddenly rung behind her. Then she turned, her smile growing.

"Hello, Ummi."

"Nesryn." The Ancient One acknowledged softly. "It has been a while."

"It has." She replied.

The brief silence that followed was one that passed calmly as they stared at each other, taking in their appearances after having been deprived of contact for years.

The ancient sorcerer was the first to break it.

"Would you like some tea?"

Nesryn couldn't help but grin. "My favourite?"

"Of course."

As she gestured for the younger woman to sit, she quietly set to preparing the drink, remembering all the times she'd done the same before.

The other woman took the time to observe her surroundings, noting the things that'd changed over the years and those that remained as a memory of the past.

"Where's Mordo? Master Hamir? Why does this place look so barren?" She questioned, watching her pour out the tea.

The Ancient One chuckled slightly. "You haven't changed much."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You came in during lunch." She said, instead of answering. "Everyone is enjoying their break."

Nesryn's lips pulled into a tiny pout as she gratefully took the cup handed to her. "That's unfortunate."

"You can still meet them, if you decide to stay awhile."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

She paused, shaking her head as she tried to form the right words. "My daughter needs me."

An air of heaviness seemed to weigh over her as she stared into the liquid reflecting her distraught face.

A second later, she looked up, locking eyes with her mentor.

"You must know what I came for, don't you?"

The sorcerer didn't reply and she continued.

"I'm grateful that you made sure she received the blessings after she encountered the stone, and kept her alive until now. But it doesn't matter if the balance is not stable."

Her fingers ran across the rim, feeling the warmth radiating through the surface. She didn't have to specify what or who she was talking about. Both of them knew well enough.

"After finding out about the previous hosts, we have come to a standstill, having no idea where to go next or what to expect." She sighed.

Now that she had started speaking, she didn't want to stop. It was a while since she had just talked about her problems like this, laying her emotions bare and leaving herself vulnerable infront of the woman who practically raised her.
It was a feeling that was almost bittersweet to her.

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