An Abstract Of Blood

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"How do you feel?"

"Are you warm enough?"

"Tell me if something hurts, alright?"

"Do you want something to eat, drink, anything?"

I sighed loudly, leaning back against the headrest. 

Pepper, Tony, Bruce and Natasha all stood over me, practically smothering me with their questions and constant worry and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"I am fine, everyone."
Then lowering my tone, I added. "No need to be so fussy."

It had hardly been more than five minutes since I'd come back from the hospital, when they barged into my room. More specifically, Pepper and Bruce had the decency to knock, while Natasha and Tony simply shoved themselves in. 

I was lying in bed, all patched up with bandages and half looking like a mummy while my body stung as if I had a million needles pricking me. I was drained and weak and so tired from the entire ordeal. Somehow, the treatment seemed to hurt more than being wounded in the first place. Thankfully, there was no blood transfusion done, since I had insisted I'd be fine and after a lot of reluctance the doctors agreed. Though they were quite confused on why I had been injured everywhere except for where I'd worn the armour. I'd just shrugged and they let it go.

"No need to be fussy?! Are you hearing yourself?" 

I winced at Tony's angered tone which was then soon followed by Natasha saying, 

"I could break you like a twig without batting an eye with the way you are now."

"Well, you could've done that any other day as well." I mumbled, immediately regretting it when I was offered the deadliest glare in return.

"Care to say that again?"

I gulped but held my ground.

"C'mon you guys! Don't act like this was my fault. I was merely a bystander in the unexpected trials of life!" I stated dramatically.

"Aylin's right." Bruce pitched in in my defense. "It's not her fault. Don't be so harsh on her."

"Yeah listen to Bruce. He's the doctor."

"Just because I'm taking your side on this, doesn't mean I'll be letting you off the hook, Aylin."

My mouth dropped. "Off the hook? What do you mean?"

"You are not allowed to do anything exerting for atleast 2 weeks." He said sternly.

I blinked, once, twice, before frowning. 

"Is that supposed to get a reaction out of me or something?"

All four of them stared back in confusion. 

"No exertion." Tony stressed, gesticulating wildly. "For two weeks."

"Yeah, I heard that."

"You won't be allowed to do things like exercise or go out or play any sporty games." Natasha elaborated and I looked at her blankly.

"Tash... do I look like I do any of those things?"

At that, they fell silent.

Tony rubbed his chin in thought. "Come to think of it... I have never heard you saying you'd be going out. And whenever I ask JARVIS of your whereabouts, you always seem to be present somewhere in the tower itself. Mostly, your room."

"You're right." Bruce nodded his agreement. "And I don't think she ever even mentioned a friend outside of here."

"And I rarely ever see her in the training room when I'm here, except for when I was teaching her balancing." Natasha put in her own two cents.

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