Hellow To Willow

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"Is that as much as your vocabulary is limited to? I thought human languages had advanced throughout the centuries."

"What do you mean I'm going to die?" I asked, completely ignoring that little insult from the floating apparition.

"I mean you're going to die, as simple as that. I'm afraid I cannot simplify it much further. I hope you do know the meaning of dying, don't you? As in, your heart stops beating, your lungs stop breathing, your brain stops worki-"

"I know what it means!"

"Then why did you ask?"

I controlled the overwhelming urge to strangle the thing at its vague and cryptic answers, which were more nonsense than actual answers, seeing as I had no idea if that was even possible.

Taking a deep calming breath, I decided to try a different approach.
"Why would I die if I don't follow you to wherever you're supposed to take me?"

The Will-o'wisp came to a halt from where it had been darting around in a circle around me and I turned sideways to look at it.
"Well the stone has chosen you as it's host, if you do not stabilise its energy channels, its power will tear you apart."

"Oh my God! The stone! It went inside me?!" Again, I frantically clawed at my shirt as if I could get it out that way.

"What are you doing?" The Will-o'-wisp tilted its head to the side as it watched me.

"Get it out of me!" I shrieked.

"That is not possible, it has chosen you to be its host."

I threw my hands up, frustrated. "Will you stop repeating the words you already said which, by the way, make perfectly no sense whatsoever?"

"But you were the on-"

"Look, Willow, I have no idea what you're trying to say. I don't understand anything! I don't understand this 'chosen host' thingy, the 'stabilising energy channels' or I'll die thingy or honestly anything you told me. I feel like I've stepped into some supernatural fantasy book."

"Willow?" It uttered in profound confusion.

I let out a groan, before crossing my eyes and glaring at it. "Is that really all you got from my rant?"

When it stayed silent, I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Calling you an apparition or Will-o'-wisp was too time-consuming okay? And I'm seriously lazy to do that. So I just came up with Willow since it matches you."

"But that's the name of a female!" It protested angrily

"Well how was I supposed to know you were a guy?"

"By my voice! Do you lack common sense?"

"You have the voice of a child!"

An almost insulted gasp sounded from it- him.
"I do not sound like a child!"

"You- ughhh!" I cut myself off with an annoyed sigh. "Whatever! What's your name then?"

"I do not have a name."

I looked at him in disbelief, making him sigh.

"Our kind don't have names." He elaborated.

"Well you know what? The name, Willow, stays then. I think its unisex anyway."

"No way am I letting you call me Willow!" He screeched, infuriated.

"Would you like it if I name you something more girly like 'Angelina' or something?"

"Absolutely not."

"See? You are just acting like a stubborn petulant child." I told him.

"How dare you call me petu-"

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