chapter twelve - the truth

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"Oh I guess you found me first!" I giggle.

"are you okay? I kind of saw you run off..."

And here I was thinking I was slick, "Haha I thought no one noticed. But I'm okay...I just feel confused." He sits down next to me, "It must be overwhelming... I never experienced any of that so I can't really give you advice." I half smile looking up at the stars, "Kenma I have something to get off my chest. You might not believe me but I think you are the only person who might understand." He tilts his head in confusion, "what is it?"

"Do you believe in parallel universes?"

"h-huh? I never really thought much about it but I played some video games with that concept..."

My stomach turned as I was about to tell him the truth. "What if I was from another universe? Would you believe me?"

"hmm I don't see you as a liar... I mean what good is lying about that anyway? but it's not that I won't believe you I think I would just need to process the thought..."

I turn to look at him with my face really serious, "Well I'll be blunt. I am from another universe... BUT BELIEVE ME I KNOW IT SOUNDS CRAZY ! ACTUALLY IT IS CRAZY BU-" He cuts me off, "I believe you y/n."

"H-huh?! You really believe me?!"

"y-yeah I'll admit it's unusual and weird but I know you won't lie. But can you tell me how you got here...?"

I froze. If I tell him he was from the manga I was reading that would be super weird and completely unbelievable hmm what should I say oh my I don't kn- "Y/n?"

"Oh sorry I was um thinking... but sure I'll tell you." And with that I told him everything except the part about him being in a manga of course. I couldn't really understand his reaction but he seemed to believe me anyway. "I just have one question y/n..."

"Uh yeah sure what is it?"

"Do you plan on staying here or going back to your family?" That question hit me hard. With everything that I had experience with everyone I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back, but I can't leave my family. "That's the thing Kenma... I don't want to go back but I can't leave my family... um also if I wanted to go back I don't know how so..." He gave me the face as if I was dumb.

His phone then rings, "Oh give me a moment y/n, Kuroo is calling." He puts the phone on speaker so I can hear, "Hello Kuroo?"

"Kenma where are you?! Everyone has been looking for y/n everywhere but they can't find her. It's been super chaotic over here!"

"uh I'm actually with her right now... I've been with her for a while..."

"WHAT!? All that trouble I went through. Well you two hurry back!"

"ugh okay." Kenma hangs up the phone. "before we go back I want to tell you that what Kuroo said back there was true... I think you are really cool y/n and well I like you..."

I smile even though I was nervous, "u-uh thank you Kenma. I-"

"you don't have to say anything about it. I'm not forcing you to like me or anything, I would much rather play video games with you..." I laugh at him.

We both walk back to the BBQ. Everyone had surrounded us with many questions, "What were you doing with y/n?"

"Did he do something to you y/n?"

"You guys were with each other for a while."

I couldn't help but feel enraged, "CAN EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP FOR A SECOND!" I yell as I fall onto the ground crying. "Kenma didn't do anything! He was just comforting me. All I wanted was to have fun with everyone today but it turned into shit..."

"y/n..." Sugawara says in a low tone.

"I like you all very much but I just need time to process my feelings." I say with my head down.

"We are truly sorry y/n for making you feel this way. Take as much time as you need." Someone had said.

I look up seeing everyone surrounding me, "Thank you all for today but I have to go home now." I get up from the ground grabbing my bag, "I did have fun today! It was also nice meeting some of you too!" With that I walk away without waving or saying goodbye.


"What do we do now?" Kageyama asked.

"I think you guys should give her space." Kuroo says.

Kenma agrees "yeah what Kuroo said."

"How about we be honest? If you like y/n raise your hand." Nishinoya exclaims.

"1,2,3,4...5...6 and 7."

"I can't believe all of you like her. I guess I got some competition." Bokuto says angrily.

"You just met her Bokuto..." Akaashi says in a low tone.


"We should just call it a night!" Daichi yells. All the boys agree and pack their things.

"See you all for the practice match." Asahi shouts.



I took off my shoes and flopped onto the couch. Today was super weird, ugh I totally need to tell Kiyoko what happened... Actually I need to think about how to get back home...

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