chapter six - movie time

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I slowly walk down the steps trying not to make any noise. For all I know it can be a serial killer waiting to kill me. As I reached the door I grabbed an umbrella just in case. Hiding the umbrella behind my back I looked through the peep hole. Kageyama?!

I dropped the umbrella and opened the door, "Kags what are you doing here?" His head was down but he didn't say anything. I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside my house wondering what was going on. We were both standing at my doorway when he finally looked at me and pulled me close to him. My face started turning red when I realized how close our faces were to each other. "K-Kags?" He smiled and kissed my forehead. What a tease...

"I'm sorry y/n, I shouldn't have come here. I really wanted to hang out with you today and that got ruined."

I place my hand on his face, "It's okay. I still had fun and we can always hang out! I mean who wouldn't want to hang out with me?" I tease.

He smiles, "Good night y/n."

"Night Kags." He opens the front door and walks to his house.

I closed the door and walked back upstairs to my room.

*Sunday Morning*

I could barely sleep last night thinking about what happened between me and Kageyama. Does he like me or am I just overthinking it...? Ugh this is so frustrating. I get up from my bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

So refreshing.

After I got out the shower I put on some baggy jeans and a baggy (f/c) shirt. "What should I do today?" I ask myself. "Hmmm oh that's right let me see if Noya is busy." I call Noya, "Hey Noya, are you busy today? I'm available to hang out today."

"Yes let's hang out! Where should we meet? or should I pick you up? or do you want to pick me up?" I laugh, "Noya we can just meet at the park by the school."

"Okay let's meet in an hour. See you then."

I hang up the phone and walk to my mirror to fix my hair. "Hmm what should I do today? A ponytail? No, maybe a bun? Ugh just leave it curly? Actually I'll just straighten it." As I straighten my hair I started to think about my mom and brother. How long has it been? I really miss them but I don't know how to get back or if I even want to go back. *ding* I look at my phone and see a message from Suga.
Hey y/n ! I'm sorry for interrupting you and Kageyama yesterday. I guess I just really wanted to see you :(
Awwwe you missed me that much? 😂 But don't worry it's okay . I'm glad I got to see you anyway.

Oh shit I didn't realize the time. I grab my keys and run out the house. It took me about 5 minutes to get to the park but when I got there I seen Noya was already there. "Hey Noya, sorry I'm a little late." I say out of breath.

"No biggie y/n. Let's get going." He grabs my hand and we run to the train station.

"Where are we going?"

"The movies." Noya exclaimed.

After a long train ride we finally arrived at our destination... the movies. Noya pays for both our tickets and the snacks and we make our way to our seats.

"What are we watching?" I ask.

"Something scary." He grins.

Wasn't that cliche... he probably wants me to be all over him. Little does he know that horror movies are my favorite.

"The movie is starting." Noya smiles.

*40 minutes into the movie*

This movie was becoming unexpectedly really scary and I started getting goosebumps. I looked over at Noya wondering if he was scared but he was smiling. Seems like he's enjoying the movie. *BOOM* I jumped up and hid my face on Noya's arm. He looked down at me and patted my head, "It's okay y/n, I'm right here." He whispers to me. My heart jumped up and down and I felt butterflies in my stomach. How is he so cute and comforting ugh...

*After the movie*

We both stretch and walk out the movie theater, "That movie was super good, did you like it y/n?" He said as he got close to my face tilting his head. "Y-Yeah it was good and surprisingly scary." I exclaimed as I blushed.

"I have one special place in my mind before I take you home. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes of course it is." I smile.

I wonder where Noya is going to take me.

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