chapter seven - confusion

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Noya holds my hand as we walk to our destination.

"Hey beautiful?"

"Mhm." I look at him. "Where did you come from?"

"What do you mean by that?" I ask in confusion.

"Well I've never seen you around the neighborhood or school before. Did you move here?" He rubs his neck.

"I- well... um it's actually a long s-story. You probably won't understand anyway haha." I stutter.

He stops walking and looks at me. "I probably won't understand but I want to get to know you better. But It's okay if you don't want to tell me I understand." Tears fill my eyes as he said that. I hadn't realized how foolish I've been thinking I can live in this world. My mom and brother are probably worried sick and think I left them. I fall down onto the floor and start crying hysterically. My emotions got the best of me and I couldn't help it.

"Y-Y/n a-are you okay? Did I say something?" I look at him with tears still falling down my face, "I don't know what to do anymore...I'm confused and I can't do anything about it." He kneels down and hugs me tight. "I don't know what's going on or what happened to you but I'm here for you okay? Please don't cry."

A couple of minutes go by and I stand up wiping away my tears. Noya grabs my hand and walks me back home. He decided to wait for a better time to take me to the "special" place. We arrived at my house and I hug him good bye and close the front door.

I walk over to my couch and lay down.

*Monday Morning*

I wake up to the brightness of the sun and walked to the bathroom. I checked my phone and see 30 messages and 15 missed calls. What the hell. I ignored the messages and checked the time... 9 am. I was late for school but I didn't care instead I took my sweet time.

When I got to school I was told I missed the first two periods and that I have lunch detention. I rolled my eyes and slowly walked to my third period class. Looking through the tiny window I seen everyone already seated. I then open the door and walk to my seat without saying good morning to the teacher. The teacher noticed I was feeling down so he ignored me and carried on with his lesson. When I got to my seat I placed my bag on the floor and put my head down.

"Miss y/n! Hello miss y/n."

"Huh." I pick my head up and see my teacher in front of my desk.

"Sleeping in my class in not tolerated miss y/n. But class is dismissed so hurry along and go to your next period class."

I grab my bag and walk out the classroom. Everyone had a head start to the next period class. Now we have gym.. jeez today couldn't get any worse. I walk into the gym and see Noya and Tanaka talking. Noya seem to notice me and ran my way. "Y/N are you okay? I wasn't able to talk to you all day. Are you ignoring me?" I glance at him then look back down, "I guess I'm okay... and no I'm not ignoring you, I just haven't been feeling good." He patted my head, "You'll be okay y/n. Let's at least try to have fun okay?" I nod.

*Volleyball practice (End of the day)*

I was debating if I wanted to go to practice but I ended up going. I walk into the gym and everyone was staring at me. "Y/N! WE MISSED YOU" Hinata yelled. I half smile, "I missed you guys too."

"OKAY BOYS LET'S PRACTICE!" Coach Ukai yelled.

Hinata came up to me asking if I could set for him but I brushed him off. He looked a little sad about it but he said okay and ran off. He must've told Kageyama that I wasn't feeling good because he kept staring at me. I then noticed Sugawara and Nishinoya staring at me too. I started to feel anxious about all these eyes glaring at me that I started walking to the door for fresh air when I suddenly got really dizzy. What's going on? What is this feel-...

I fainted.

Parallel Universe (Haikyu x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang